Monday, September 29, 2014

NYCC 2014 Month

I'll be really busy for New York Comic Con Month
Several of the following have previews at the con:

Harry Potter
Lego Batman 3 is coming out.
Batman and Marvel plan on celebrating their 75th Anniversary, even if I may not.

The Dare Devil movie sucked because Ben Affleck was getting sucked off by Jennifer Lopez and Katie Holmes in a Scientology The Master billy club three way.
Seriously though, it's not that great, but it didn't deserve the bashing it got.
I still think the Electra/Dare Devil sequence is funny but well intended.

The Incredibles
Disney Theme Park movies

I definitely plan on doing a best of Green Ranger episodes.
A best Green Ranger/White Ranger/Tommy episodes list is long overdue and he'll be at New York Comic Con, where he'll be too busy signing autographs to interview. Sure, everybody else would enjoy him at the con. No Dino Charge news either..

Star Trek really channels the child in me, and the technical jargon's great, but the direction and writing haven't been too classy.

Somebody might want to be Firefly. I doubt I will.

Dr. Who I might cover Matt Smith if I have the time to watch all the episodes.

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Rainbow Line's connection to darkness as seen from ToQger Episode 19-29

Shadows use the ToQ6's drill setting up later, when Schwarz steals it again in 29.
The parallel between them connecting and them not connecting.

19 Comedy that actually works unlike most Toei Toku nowadays.

20 Switching with evil
Shadow and ToQger vs Shadow
The bubbles falling in the sunset look like tears.

26 Bathouse bribery
Price leading and how Wal-Mart hurt the world.

27 Change in direction. Mood?

28 Right uses his inner self to attack
Hikari is the mysterious one that never reveals who he is representing the secrets of the ToQgers.

29 A member of Shadow and ToQger finally join sides in a Gaim-like manner.

31 Being exposed to too much darkness making them dark