Thursday, April 28, 2016

Kamen Rider Kabuto Episode 11

Shibuya references
Kagami feels connected to Kabuto after the fight. Seems really homosexual, and I think they teased that on purpose. Possible.
Drake and the facial of death to a human.
A scared woman is turned pretty.
Challenge between Kabuto and Drake.
Kabuto says that Kagami's partner shouldn't fall for him.

Dobotsu Sentai Zyuohger Episode 11 review

This episode was a bit simple.
Birdman and not the Galaxy Trio is discovered by Yamato and the others to be that of significance. His past ties to both the Zyumans and Yamato are revealed this episode.

Yamato struggles with deciding whether to tell the Zyumans who he thinks Birdman is revealing Birdman's location. He has a very important item in addition, yet Yamato has a connection to Birdman as well.

Will their be a Dekaranger-Jetman episode with Birdman?

Also, to spoil the point, Birdman is an opposite of the Zyumans. He's actually a Zyuman who hates Zyuland opposed to the rest of them. He's also the only method the Zyuman can get home, so they battle. Their fight and struggle for wanting to go back home is tested in this episode.

Yamato is back.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Kamen Rider Kabuto Episode 10 review

Kabuto defeats some Worms while TheBee/Kagami does it somewhere else.
Motorcycle Clock Up
Yuryuyama is disappointed in his defeat and wants revenge.
Hiyori does art stuff.
Kagami witnesses dangers of turning into TheBee.

Kagami debates the morality of theBee not working with Kabuto to ZECT.
Kabuto saves ZECT when Kagami is unable to vs the Worms.
Kagami gives up TheBee as a result of not defeating Kabuto for ZECT.

Drake cameos in the end.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Dobotsu Sentai Zyuohger Episode 9 review

This was a really complicated episode, which is usually good.


The episode had elements of Groundhog's Day. Making me sorta hope their new mech this episode would be a groundhog? (Then again time travelling mechanics would make this show for the heroes really cheap, albeit that would be a really cool shake up.

There's a really scary shot of an evil monkey, this episode.

Also, time is expressed by Amu, saying, Early how about lunch? Amu asks.

Hanayaider's Nightmare perfume is apparently the source of all the mishaps this episode. Also to note is that the bad guys are about games. Video games have you restart possibly from a save to replay the game.

It's revealed they're stuck in a recurring dream.
So of course, you have to wonder about the trope, till possibly the end of the series, When do they wake up? Do they ever win vs the bad guys?
There could be something even more surrealistic about playing videos and video games, whereas a real war happens in the world.
Zyuohger are in a tv show. Another false reality.

Again, this is really high concept stuff, and my episode of the first 10, if the next one doesn't beat this.

Also to note animals vs plants. You have to watering plants, while Sela is a major character in the episode.
Is it a monster or is a plant? Is it living despite neither being human nor animal?


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Power Rangers Mystic Force Episode 25, "The Hunter" praises and lows

Nick gets a surprise. Sort of thematic.

Xander does his bad supervising. I got another laugh from him. His actor did a good job.

Vida says Toby's eye twitches. I hope her eye only twitches on twitch good job.

Also, it's sort of weird having Toby be inconsistent regarding whether they're good workers or not. Not to mention, should Nick win that award?

Maddy gets some moments. Although a bit lukewarm, she saves Nick's life, She also has a moment with him to reflect their journey. No actual touching though.

Nick wants to stay in Briarwood. It'd be cool if he mentioned their journey together to be friends, to add a little more stakes to the episode. Not to mention going back to Rootcore later.

leelee feels left out. It would've been cool if her and Clare became friends.

Speaking of which, Clare mentions how Udonna should depend on her since she's become a better sorceress. Clare has a little bit of Amy Adams turning her into a newt. A good moment for the two.

Mega horn sounds buckwheat. No racism just a weird thing
80s voice acting homage to like Cobra Commander and the Claw.

The animation for Oculus's fights although not as dark are still a bit scary to kids as bodies lay down.

Although I praise the Light storyline more now, the Battilizer feel still feels forced or maybe just not done well. He could've like meditated before getting the power or something.
There's also a bit too much fighting, not enough story.

Itassis wants to fight Megahorn over fighting Daggeron. The US Megahorn suit looks awesome with the extra green compared to the Japanese suit.

Phineas has a moment with Nick. Would've been cool to see a moment with him at the end of the episode. As much as I don't like Leelee, her moment in the end was great, and she proved that she belonged in the Rockporium.

What were your thoughts on the episode? Comment below.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Kamen Rider Kabuto Episode 3 review

The cafe scene was basically filler, not really discussing anything about Hiyori and Tendou, although getting us to learn  And if you don't like the cafe humor, it's a shame, but that's Kamen Rider pacing for you.

The interaction between the ZECT members was really good though establishing rules etc..

ZECT attempts to fight off a Worm, failing again, adding tension, although it sorta gets lost when they never win. (Alleviated later!)

The main meat was Gatack discussing not being able to trust Worms after they attempted to destroy Earth. However, there's not enough of a connection and he's not enough of a detective for all this to be valid, not to mention his blind devotion to ZECT, who can pretty much say anything and he'll eat it up.
In fact, in the end when he choose the wrong person as the Worm, possibly signifying how he choose the incorrect side in the series. Ironic, considering how normally lacksaidaisical empathic and used for comic effect he is in the series. Their discovery of the Worm is sort of a symbol of them discovering the truth behind the incident years ago.
However, you can empathize with Kagami as he doesn't want to help a guy who leads to the destruction of humanity.
Speaking of which, the Worm revealing itself was a bit lame for anyone who's watched the masterpiece known as John Carpenter's the Thing. Oh well. Not exactly the same audience anyway.
Mika Kikuchi sorta gets wasted, but good paycheck for her, being part of pop in the Japanese equivalent of the Screen Actor's Guild.

The rollercoaster effect was cool.

Also, on a final note remember who the man of the heavens is.