Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Who's Crying Now? Hopefully not me

"Look at me! Do you see any tears?!"
Sure, the actor who plays Troy does not have the right charisma, but he at least works hard to get a performance out of himself under the production schedule's limits.

The bully plot does not seem to have to be there and got resolved way too easily. I doubt we will see any of these characters in the future, and since we saw very little of them, hopefully for the better.

Side note, are the extras ever the same? How does class in this town work?

Also, Creepox has not been around long enough and have enough character development for me to care for his destruction. He seems to be an overrated grunt in my opinion.
Wikipedia lists him with a superiority complex. However, not much can be done with it in a Nickelodeon/Saban Brands context. He's not exactly as Amon Goth memorable.

There really was not much to this episode. Ultrazord already? I super duper dog dare you!

Why are the Power Rangers Megaforce writers so fucking incompetent?

You still have problems writing episodes?
I understand Saban does not pay, but you chose this job for a reason. You may want job security.
I understand that screenwriters do not need to take screenwriting 101 classes to get their job.
But seriously, what the fuck are you doing?

United We Stand
The beginnings of most of these episodes do not set up for the rest of the episode so well.
Gia and Emma dirt biking in the middle of the woods, nearly killing themselves for no reason while discussing how awesome they are as if this was Dr. Strangelove or something. (Wouldn't that be an interesting premise for Power Rangers?) What the fuck does any of that have to do with their friendship and saving the world from a motherfuckin alien invasion? Are you selling fucking Power Rangers mountain bikes or something? Seriously, what was the point of this scene supposed to convey.

I get it... She likes bikes. She likes nature. But it's a bit one note. You're not really developing the characters, the setting or the conflict. They hang out. Does that truly make them friends however?
Maybe Gia can talk about how Jake is creeping her out, but does not know how to react or something. Maybe they can talk about their journeys as heroes and how much trust they put into each other.

Robo Knight
What the fuck does Jake liking Gia have to do with Jake running into all his classmates? What does the friggin teacher running into a hoe have to do with the Robo Knight? (Epiphany: Are we supposed to picture the Jake as a teacher running into hoes in the future? That's the only saving grace for that intro.)
In the words of the Dude, why the fuck does everything have to be a motherfuckin travesty with you, Saban? What the fuck did any of that stuff have to do with the Robo Knight? What the fuck did any of that have to do with Robo Knight? What the fuck are you talking about?
For a mass marketing corporation, you figure marketing 101 would be to advertise the main feature or toy of the episode! Here's the Dude's can for your downfall Donny shows. Now shut the fuck up, Donny!

I trip on acid watching the beginning of Prince Takes Knight

"Some scientists believe that dreams can tell the future."
Where the fuck is the evidence of that? Cite something. Here goes Saban and teaching me what wombats don't look like again. (VR Troopers)
"Oh come on!"

"Ah! A snack and snare job! I'm in." He continues while squatting, "I, PsychoDICK, master of the draining energy am the man for the job!"
Capture Robo Knight! We'll drain him dry and reprogram him!

In the words of Jake, Oh come on!

Power Rangers Theme Park Tie-In?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Power Rangers Lost Galaxy: Dream Battle, a Lynchian Turbo episode?

A lot of it does not make sense.
There is a scene where Damon fixes a battery of some sort for a scooter without actually seeing Damon fix it.

After seeing Damon sleepy and worried after a nightmare, the next direct conclusion he has is that Damon's nightmare is trying to kill him.
Yes. Really. That was his FIRST CONCLUSION with NO EVIDENCE.
Did you read the script, Leo? Did you read the script?
How did the guy get the flowers if nobody lived there? Was he a swabbie, Deviot, Hexuba or Mutiny in disguise?
Why introduce the girl with the broken down car at the beginning of the episode if Damon did not think that she was the one who sent the flowers?
Where are they when they are dreaming? Are they in the Astral Plane? Do they project real versions of themselves onto a planet or some place onto Terra Venture?

However, it is also (a failed) but honest attempt at Lynchian cinema.
After all, how does cinema work?
How do dreams work?

Side note: based on the Damon/Hayate footage, it seems obvious to me that it was supposed to be a Ginga Green episode. There was probably a scene where Hayate figured out the monster's weak spot.
Also, Kai sleep instead of work? LIES!
Also it's pretty cool that Rajia Baroudi, Delphine had a job after the lack of success of Alien Rangers.

Robo Knight The Episode And the Knight Analysis

The good:
I really like the Robo Knight character. I would've liked him more if he had more homages to Alex Murphy or Metal Heroes. However, he's good where he is at. There's a mystery built around him.

There's a lab.
The Billy ripoff has a lab. Yay.

They went to the Command Center for once.
Yay. They actually talk to Gosei and Tensou actually making them characters on the show opposed to not using them at all. Yay. Maybe we can become fans of them.

The bad:
Jake and Gia.
It's a Robo Knight sixth warrior episode. This barely went anywhere and took away from the episode.
They have not established whether there should be a reason for us to root this on other than "the show told us to" and I do not see chemistry between the two.

The environment
What the f**k does the environment have to do with a f**king alien invasion? F**king invade with your millions of your monsters and boogers. This is not an unconventional auteur made show where you are trying to take risks like RPM. Don't do this Dune invasion crap when you're not David Lynch.
This isn't Wild Force. You're not trying to be Wild Force. So why try to be Wild Force all of a sudden? This isn't Wild Force! I repeat this is not Wild Force.
What are you going to do after the polluting mutants are done in the series? There's only 3 of them!

The ugly:
The intro. I will be writing a NSFW article about that.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Harmony (for me) and Dizchord Analysis

Hey yo my dizzle!
Diz is PRPHD heyah.
And diz is my Power Rangerz Megaforce review.
So 90s!
So yeah, this episode really is not a hip hop pun episode despite the pun from the enemy's name.
However, it does set up some things correct that many may have taken for granted in United We Stand. Emma does not hear Troy, because she is wearing headphones. (Indicating that it is a music episode.) Then they introduce the musical monster of the week. Haha the teacher/principal administration character is tone deaf. Troy and Emma are weakened by the monster earlier so they are unable to defeat Dizchord. Trouble ensues. This sounds like a real goddamn Power Rangers episode post-Saban II somehow!
I really like this episode, because they cut the school gimmick of the episode down a bit.
Sure the episode is not Cruel Story of Youth, Taxi Driver or even the introductory episode of Gokaiger, but at least Saban Brands straightened out some episode basics in this episode unlike in others in the season.

Also, why put a voice over on a long shot?
Gia goes blurry even, making the chosen shot even more confusing.

Wouldn't a voice over be more fitting if she said "Wow! Even normal music is affecting her now!" here? (Plus with more enthusiasm.

Ernie, stop being an asshole!

I also probably wouldn't have had the bad guy telling the Rangers what the plan was after already telling the audience what the plan was.

The end was a little sappy and probably why everybody hates American Idol and Goseiger, but Eri probably made it work. (She wasn't dubbed!)
It was sorta cool how they had shots of the world, even if they were only one shots with probable use of green screen.

If you wanted me to direct the episode:
Not that I expect Saban Brands or Nickelodeon to do so, but I would've made the episode really dark to fit the alien invasion theme. I would've had the music suck up souls like in Raiders of the Lost Ark. It would not work by their standards, but I figure it'd be friggin awesome anyway. It'd be different at least than American Idol J Pop. Sirens led sailors to their doom didn't they?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Why Saban and Entertainment generally sucks

I'll give you a personal account of why I and many would enjoy working at Saban.
I could discuss the value of paid television and how it should be valued by your children, (except for shows like iCarly and Victorious. Grr!) How my educational development did not develop much from my 90s television watching the Wayans brothers' terrible sex jokes on WB.

Cough cough but anyway.

Saban in general does not pay a lot. Ask Walter Emmanuel Jones and Austin St. John.
They pay for marketing. Being an iconic character, like Indiana Jones, Optimus Prime or the Red Ranger can definitely make you up there in the eyes of ones fans as seen in conventions such as Power Morphicon and using social media devices such as Facebook. If you can make it indie, you can make it big with your fans, if you can motivate.

However, that's the problem.
Saban does not provide for long term, high quality product and labor. There is a reason why you do not see Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence in long term Saban projects. (I do not know why I chose the brotherhood from X-Men: First Class as an example. It just happened that way!)
There's a reason there is few Travis Bickle's and Tiffany Maxwell's in Power Rangers. Power Rangers promotes a cheap product from the product purchased in Japan to the low budget "adapted scripts" of Power Rangers Samurai

And there's a good reason for that.
Saban would rather choose a pool that is heavy in supply and low in demand rather than a product that is high in demand and low in supply.

I'll give you a personal experience of mine. I used to work at Walt Disney World. TWICE.
There's people who love working there who would never leave.
There's also people who left.
They found better pay somewhere else that despite not being as fun (yet tolerable) they moved on to different places.
Don't take my word for it. Ask Eka Darville and Walter Emmanuel Jones. WEJ refuses to go back to Power Rangers unless Power Rangers goes Screen Actors Guild.

Maybe because of low aspirations or whatever, some agents and actors fall into the trap of thinking of small ponds, like Saban instead of big ponds like blockbusters or the Academy Awards to hope to make it big, like I did in Disney to attempt to make it big in a corporate structure.

We live in a world of salaries, not loyalty. Of salary auctions an marketing or selling yourself, as wage slaves and power slaves. Maybe they do live life better than we do, despite all the bad fame and criticism the role obtains, at least they get child fans (some gravely sick) that they can make happy. Despite all our criticisms, maybe there is something great in all the madness that is Hollywood anyway?

I hope to do better than the Wayans brothers at least..

I regret not watching Power Rangers Lost Galaxy on Vortexx

14 years ago, I regretted not watching the majority of watching Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.
Correction: I half @$$ed watching Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, Wild Force before watching all of Ninja Storm regrettably on ABC before regretting not watching most of those before Saban was gone.

4 years ago, Power Rangers RPM was on early in the mornings on ABC and many missed that because of lack of marketing and poor scheduling. I was lucky enough to watch that at noon.

Less than a few months ago, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy was on Vortexx, while crap like Power Rangers Samurai, MegaForce, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger and Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger are on television.
Don't get me wrong. Comparing Power Rangers Lost Galaxy to Power Rangers RPM would be unfair (lack of direction?), but a more critically acclaimed unknown era of Saban over an overhyped era of Saban? A franchise that does not have the original six that was pretty memorable thanks to a good direction of where Power Rangers storytelling should have gone pre-Ninja Storm and RPM.

That is what I regret not supporting.

Oh well.
There's always Netflix and Hulu.