Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Why are the Power Rangers Megaforce writers so fucking incompetent?

You still have problems writing episodes?
I understand Saban does not pay, but you chose this job for a reason. You may want job security.
I understand that screenwriters do not need to take screenwriting 101 classes to get their job.
But seriously, what the fuck are you doing?

United We Stand
The beginnings of most of these episodes do not set up for the rest of the episode so well.
Gia and Emma dirt biking in the middle of the woods, nearly killing themselves for no reason while discussing how awesome they are as if this was Dr. Strangelove or something. (Wouldn't that be an interesting premise for Power Rangers?) What the fuck does any of that have to do with their friendship and saving the world from a motherfuckin alien invasion? Are you selling fucking Power Rangers mountain bikes or something? Seriously, what was the point of this scene supposed to convey.

I get it... She likes bikes. She likes nature. But it's a bit one note. You're not really developing the characters, the setting or the conflict. They hang out. Does that truly make them friends however?
Maybe Gia can talk about how Jake is creeping her out, but does not know how to react or something. Maybe they can talk about their journeys as heroes and how much trust they put into each other.

Robo Knight
What the fuck does Jake liking Gia have to do with Jake running into all his classmates? What does the friggin teacher running into a hoe have to do with the Robo Knight? (Epiphany: Are we supposed to picture the Jake as a teacher running into hoes in the future? That's the only saving grace for that intro.)
In the words of the Dude, why the fuck does everything have to be a motherfuckin travesty with you, Saban? What the fuck did any of that stuff have to do with the Robo Knight? What the fuck did any of that have to do with Robo Knight? What the fuck are you talking about?
For a mass marketing corporation, you figure marketing 101 would be to advertise the main feature or toy of the episode! Here's the Dude's can for your downfall Donny shows. Now shut the fuck up, Donny!

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