Sunday, November 29, 2015

B Fighter Kabuto 5 review

Gold eats with a fellow student who is female.
There's a video game craze.
Vilor's up to no good.
Stomach ache.
Send out the robots.
Love shot in the end.

Juukou B-Fighter Episode 1 Review

This is a classic pre-2000s Toei intro to a show. 
Intro to the characters:
Red is Tori Martin.
Green is the Forest guy.
Blue is the protagonist and finds the Gingaman-ish cartoony toku character.

The Jamahl base is very VR Troopers/Metalder reminiscent with the foot soldiers all saluting Zeon/HYDRA style. Would've been cooler with monsters of the week though, but understandable due to budget constraints.
Also, their base is friggin Master Hand.
They blow up buildings and kill people

The heroes fight off the forces of evil. The first two are captured.
Bugs save the day.
Blue gets his suit. Saves the day.
Terminator stance.

SPOILER ALERT the Commander is Last Ninja Grandpa 

Ryan's Laser Hand Command would've been properly adapted into Blue's Slash. It would've been cool to see these two teamup.

B-Fighter Kabuto Ep 3 and 4 review

Episode 3 establishes Purple/Tentou as a video game expert, the brains behind the team, and a caring role model for young girls. It's quite literal, perhaps creating stereotypes, but effective characterizations.
The end was a good cliffhanger for us to get to know JPN Nukus., He's more gentlemanly, although not as good, probably inspired Christopher Cho's ferocity.
Nukus' mother laying an Ridley Scott inspired Alien egg was sort of disturbing.
The monster of the week had a pretty cool Cerberus crocodile design to him.
Gold may prove to be more annoying later on. I think he may be flirting with Black's sister but whichever.
Not sure of the Commander's role. Alpha robot was interesting.

The second episode was them fighting Nukus and Worm Tanks with new tech.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge "Deep Down Under" Overview

Kendall informs the Rangers of the Pleio Zord's presence in New Zealand. Shelby assumes that her favorite palentologist can help her find it and goes after him. After finding him, he appears to have an ego, but tips him off as to a New Zealand myth that may be mistaken for the Pleio Zord. 
The Rangers fight Fury.
Fury gets to the palentologist.
The palentologist meets Shelby.
The palentologist finds the Zord off Shelby's phone to get famous.
He doesn't. Takes it back. Fuck it. Good wins, motherfuckers.
Space Godzilla shows up.
Everything is good in the end.

I like that it's a canon episode about the actual looking for dino zords, being that Tyler's actually Bouken Red, but no one ever seems to care. Shelby gets a plot. Minor character of the week was a jerk. Shelby's speech about not wanting to become famous and actually taking pride into ones work is an old American puritan speech that everyone's heard again and again. It would've been funnier, if the palentologist had become the bad guy in the end. They even sorta teased that he was Fury. In the scene, Fury was in, but whatever.
Good guys win.
We forget about Tyler's dad.
Status quo stuff.
Oh and Mecha Space Dino Zord. How the fuck can't you love that?
Kyoryuger did it, but I hated that show and can't seem to find it. It was probably better. Comment below. I'd love to hear about it.

Monday, November 16, 2015

VR Troopers: "Mutant Mutiny" and episode craftmanship

I already discussed the adaptation of the episode. Let's just talk about the episode by itself.

It's a sequel to MMPR's the Mutiny.
The Troopers are given a task to betray Tao in order to give Tao money.
Amphibador wants to betray Grimlord and Grimlord Amphibador.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge, "World Famous! In New Zealand! (I hope not.)"

Shelby has a lot of food duties.
She laughs at Kendall cuz she doesn't have to do them.
They hear from Chase about a guy who finds UFOs in New Zealand. The same New Zealand the Power Rangers are filming in.
No jokes about it. All straight.

The guy pretends to fight all sorts of animals.
He goes up a obstacle course.
He reveals himself to be a Ranger, but doesn't know cuz he's from New Zealand
And he's afraid of monsters.
And Keeper shows up in the episode to take the powers away from him.
Doesn't happen to any other Ranger.
Nickelodeon won't give him a noble death or anything.
Then we never see him again.

That's the whole episode.

It doesn't come off as a Boom or great episode. It's really Neo Saban lame and cheap while not being as groan inducing because Judd Lynn headed it.