Saturday, November 21, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge "Deep Down Under" Overview

Kendall informs the Rangers of the Pleio Zord's presence in New Zealand. Shelby assumes that her favorite palentologist can help her find it and goes after him. After finding him, he appears to have an ego, but tips him off as to a New Zealand myth that may be mistaken for the Pleio Zord. 
The Rangers fight Fury.
Fury gets to the palentologist.
The palentologist meets Shelby.
The palentologist finds the Zord off Shelby's phone to get famous.
He doesn't. Takes it back. Fuck it. Good wins, motherfuckers.
Space Godzilla shows up.
Everything is good in the end.

I like that it's a canon episode about the actual looking for dino zords, being that Tyler's actually Bouken Red, but no one ever seems to care. Shelby gets a plot. Minor character of the week was a jerk. Shelby's speech about not wanting to become famous and actually taking pride into ones work is an old American puritan speech that everyone's heard again and again. It would've been funnier, if the palentologist had become the bad guy in the end. They even sorta teased that he was Fury. In the scene, Fury was in, but whatever.
Good guys win.
We forget about Tyler's dad.
Status quo stuff.
Oh and Mecha Space Dino Zord. How the fuck can't you love that?
Kyoryuger did it, but I hated that show and can't seem to find it. It was probably better. Comment below. I'd love to hear about it.

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