Monday, March 28, 2016

Disney's Power Rangers Mystic Force "Heir Apparent Part 1"

Imperious meets with Koragg.
Imperious contemplates manipulating Koragg vs opposing him and having Koragg with the Master.

Daggeron and Nick duel. Regretably feels short since he mainly dueled with Chip. Also, Nick was severely again underdeveloped despite being the main focus.

They go over the story.
Clare's mother died.
Leanbow was gone.
Too bad they didn't keep the original actor. He looked impressive.
Good resolution for that.
A dark secret could've made that over the top tho.

I would've liked it if Clare had taken over her mother's role.

Kamen Rider Kabuto Episode 2 review

Basically a set up from the last episode. I should've combined the review.
Sets up.
ZECT's main characters are interesting, who I forgot to mention before.
The smart hardworking shipper.
The captain.
The bad ass.

Clock Up.

There was also comparisons to Terminator with Kabuto's invincibility and the Halloween Michael Myers trope.

Hiyori gets introduced this episode. Significant.
The Heisei G1 cafe was re-introduced.
There's also no reference to the children in the previous episode.

ZECT Rider

Owls. Combined with darkness.

Does this go anywhere by the end of the series?

I don't recall them ever letting ZECT become the bad guy vs humans and Worms in the end.
Although, that in itself is pretty dark.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge Episode 8 "Rag and Riches" notes

Ivan is the main character of the episode. He begins not knowing technology, signing stuff. How much did Saban spend on that? Later not knowing currency, which is fool hardy, later having ownied gold for 800 years.
If he didn't understand the time value of money, it would be more understandable.
Forget that the Dino Charge stuff is technology.

Kendall is discussing an autograph

Ivan damages a rich man's rich antique. Sir Ivan is a very valuable antique also. Bum bum tsh.
How about Haim Saban show up in the episode and give them the money?
Gold for everyone! Money money money! Hubba hubba hubba!

Batman '89.

Make em greedy.
Not exploding money.

Not like they could've made them mercenaries or anything.
They didn't!

Mr. Smith.

Take Ivan, he's not worth anything.

"Just give him the two million dollars."

The museum doesn't make enough money for two million dollars.
How poorly run is this museum? How much does Kendall get paid for that suit?
Two billion would've worked more.

I think Ivan is represented by the director of the episode, not knowing how money works. would eventually get paid, use money, see other people use money.
Ivan robbed a bank. This episode's robbery alright!
How does Ivan get stuff if he doesn't have money? Does he barter? Haggle? Steal? Ask nicely?!

Haim Saban obviously didn't tell him he'd get paid or how to use money.

"Treasure" their last moments.

"Heckyl trust me."
You want Heckyl of all people to trust you? Do you trust Heckyl?

Why the fuck are you even on this show Heckle?

Fury's still here, even tho Tyler found his dad.
No Shelby shipping
No dino shekllby
No kendall vs shelby

Fury's plot was to use Greed to fight the Rangers.
The Rangers use Greed to fight him anyway.
Useless monster.


Ivan robs.

The monsters need a leada.

Rich person's bodyguard.

Waltons and Haim Saban famous off kid labor.


Native American armor. Tyler Navarro.

Pendant broken but still on the monster.

Monster explosion without exploding visual.

I blame Gold Coins. not Golgom.

Blame it on Gold coins.

Grand mama

He's giving away $2 million.
Sorta funny.
The bodyguard in the end was great too.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dobotsu Sentai Zyuohger Episode 6 analysis

The idea of giving up ones power to make someone else live and stronger is of that of the Lion King and the Circle of Life. We eat meat and plants after killing them so that we may live.
This is really dark and they don't really make TOO many jokes during this episode. Not knowing who the Zyuohgers are, leaving Uncle out while they try to figure out what happened to Larry.
Larry may die so that humans, zyumans and/or Yamato may survive. The idea of Zyuman power from cubes is interesting.
Look at those shades.

No one died, humans are the ones who succeed, it's done at the expense of Larry and no one seems to care.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Disney's Power Rangers Mystic Force, "Dark Wish, Part 3"

This was a good resolution episode.
They tease Koragg vs Nick, which should've been done more not only since it's cool in Magiranger, but cuz it's cool here.
The Oblivion/Beasts are defeated.
The birthday wish from Toby was a nice trick. Sorta led up too, but not quite.

Disney's Power Rangers Mystic Force Episode 17, "Ranger Down"

Koragg is seen drained of magic.
Why? I don't know. I don't care. Obviously they don't.

Toby-Necrolai shipping. Cuz they have a Vampbrea fetihs.

Why are they even at Rockporium?

Weird title as it's about Jenji. Not about Rangers.
It's the opposite of their summoning call "Ranger Up."

The plot is about as bad as I know about Fire Heart.
Fire Heart makes Jenji jealous. How fucking old is Jenji? A million. Why is he jealous of a dragon?

As much as I dislike John Tui though, his explanation of why Jenji is famous sorta makes up for it. Sorta.
Tui's storytelling of Jenji was formerly banished was told from a man who was like that of an ancient knight or warrior. It worked. Too bad it's told not shown.
The ADR still has problems though.

Imperious is barely a factor.

The music is really shitty.

Screamer's Japanese power is cool.

Phineas is odd. However, when he goes apeshit insane dancing a New Zealand jig its great,
till he gets Nickelodeon vomitted..

Piggy shows up. I guess cuz everyone feels trash, but really just cuz they can since his actor is on the show.

Madison and Jenji shipping. Lots of shipping this episode!

Jenji is a baby abandoner, babynapper, it's camp, an homage to classic fairy tales I guess, but otherwise is sorta really creepy and eerily done, even if it is with a CGI dragon.

Nick is wearing Jason clothes.

Necrolai shipping.

Phineas' tale to Daggeron and Udonna about a missing baby sorta makes up for the awkwardness of this episode though. It's not as epic in a replay or if you watched Magiranger, but otherwise is a great twist which would keep you watching the show.

The problem about the Rockporium in Power Rangers Mystic Force

The following finally occurred to me at the "Dark Wish" arc point.
Why do we even care about the Rockporium? It's not the Mystic Force Rangers' dream to work there. It's a minimum wage job. They just goof off for a lackluster unfun demonstration of laziness. Albeit Toby's their friend despite never having a story regarding why we should care other than that he's not evil and that he's on the show.
Ernie is a beloved character in Mighty Morphin yet he somewhat has the same waste of time that Toby's character does. On the other hand, Ernie set up the 90s setting and Bulk and Skull pranks. They had chemistry. As much as I enjoy Toby's actor, he doesn't have much to do comedy or music wise.

They don't run a Rockporium corporation of stores.
Vida doesn't become a music star and sponsor the Rockporium.

We don't even get the lame dead end job thing.

It's more wasted than the Madison-Nick tease, and is nearing the use of Ernie or the Big Bad Beetleborgs comic book shop. Koragg disappoints as a hero, and his exposition on honor and being a knight doesn't
Rant over.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dobutsu Sentai Zyuohger Episode 3 review

The Amu-Yamato relationship established this episode while neither groundbreaking or critically acclaimed does exposition not accessible and fan friendly till Go-buster.
Amu White Tiger goes around shopping before encountering Yamato Red Eagle.
She convinces him she found it when its just a cake, fashion stuff, etc..

Why didn't they just call if in trouble?

The bus, Zyuland

The characters are credible.



More Zyuoh Cubes a la Gaoranger.