Friday, July 15, 2016

Power Rangers Mystic Force Episode 30, "The Return" review

Toby recaps everything.
It's not voice over, but it's expository. Not much is being done with the setting of the Rockporium.
However, we do get to see the characters react. I legit feel like they don't treat some of the stuff that happened seriously and it works.
Leelee Phineas
Toby and Leelee's mom.

Udonna is dr strange or the venture bros equivalent of sr stange
She goes to the underworld which I don't recall
Koragg comes back

Jenji is absolutely wasted. Doesn't fight anyone. Does a fire heart laundry joke.
Fire heart himself is barely in the episode wasted why I don't like.

The voice actors set up that the Master is in the hand of the Ten Terrors
Maroon is storyline about not wanting to harm others is boring and fails since Koragg already has that code.
I don't get why he plays with a ball and hits
Xander doesn't at all think that Vida isn't fighting matoombo. A line like did he take your powers would be nice.
Matoombo destroying the electricity to summon the Master could be a ruse.

Luckily the ten terrors don't use this against them

Gekkor goes after matoombo wounding him
Vida out of character takes the Solaris train to save matoombo

I guess they need to summon the master anyway

And despite being old they are not aware

Matoombo doesn't really have an arc. He just wants to not be a bad guy for no reason sorta like Jack and SPD last season. Like you figure this would've occurred millions of years prior. They could
Just make him another Koragg.

It is pretty sad when matoombo dies and sacrifices himself to protect Xander. As odd as Xander's character was, and even Itassis makes fun of it, it was cool for him to have a moment this episode.