Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 Episodes 8, "A Brush With Destiny" rant

Episode 8: A Brush With Destiny:
What do everyday Americans love?
What do they hate?

Maybe someone from France pissed off Saban or something.

But that dude's not as pissed as I am!

According to Wikipedia, (because Shit! I'm not watching a terrible episode of Season 3!) Kimberly has a nightmare about going to Paris. Wikipedia doesn't explain why she has it or even if she's going to Paris, (SHE ISN'T) and
According to Wikipedia, Finster creates a device for Zedd and Rita to go inside Kimberly's dreams to create a monster.

Seriously, what the fuck?!

Who the fuck would want to go into Kimberly's dream to create a monster?

You couldn't go into Tommy's? The dude that friggin isn't pseudo damsel in distress? MMA guy? Tattoos? Comes up with ideas like putting a ginormous Australian fly in his friend's sandwich or farting in Rocky's face? The dude who friggin pulls his pants down whenever he sees mistletoe?
No, you pick Kimberly, where you already made a shitty idea of making a purse and lipstick monster. (Well, it worked later on, but that was Kat's purse. How that would've worked I have no idea... Some bullshit about a more powerful staff.)

Well, they made a float monster I guess...

So after already establishing that part of the plan is stupid, you create a monster from somebody's dream:
Zordon! Wake up Kimberly! Tell her, she saw something I can't say about Tommy! Don't let Zedd make the damn monster you stupid time warp shit.
Again, rules about the viewing globe are absolute bullshit.

Also, why doesn't Zedd or Rita create their own device? They're friggin people with real magic. I guess they're lazy shits.

So, they're not creative enough to make up their own monster, but go along with one of the worst plans I've ever heard in any media's history.

So Kimberly has to overcome her fear of France to save the day.
Which isn't really a fear of France, since she doesn't go there ever in the series, possibly even in both Power Rangers and real life!
Maybe she takes French as a foreign language at Angel Grove High.
Whose curriculum consists of Show and Tell prior to getting into college.
No wonder Lord Zedd hates you guys.
Artist Mole doesn't even speak French.
He doesn't even do real or fake French things.

So Kimberly's entire fear of Artist Mole, are his lousy drawings and a fear of a French accent.
I am Kimberly's worst fear.
And on that note I end.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3: Ninja Quest rant

If they had Remastered Season 3, people would've rightfully complained of Saban taking too much from Ninja Sentai Kakuranger.

I'd like to include the really great Masked Rider-Power Rangers teamup,

So onto Ninja Quest:
Shitty version of the shitty movie where you replace hot chick with Ninjor.
The Ninjas aren't Ninjetti.
The Tengus are Tengas.
Which are a symbol of everything wrong with this season.
They 1987 Cannoned the effects a la Superman IV and Jaws: The Revenge, by not having Japanese footage and giving the US cast a cheap budget.
The friggin Desert of Despair is just the friggin place where the Rangers found Zordon, and Kirk fought the Gorn.
Sure, as a kid I didn't understand WHY I didn't like this scene.
Oh wait, I did-
It was cheap!
You ripped the script of people who didn't know anything about Power Rangers.

Rito Revolto looks nothing like Rita Repulsa.
Their names aren't spelled right, a la Final Fantasy IX's Eiko Carol-Amarant Coral theory.
At least they didn't give the Alien Rangers the cool zords.

1/25/15: Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger 1 Review: Go Hufflepuffs!

I love this episode. There's a million effects involved reminding me of the times when Machiko Soga uses the giant illusion.
There's a great use of not only special effects but athleticism as well as the stunt/actors do a whole bunch of stunts to demonstrate the powers, immerse you in a world of the supernatural, fantasy, and ninjas. I always imagine a Hurricanger-Magiranger teamup just because of how both teams deal with the elements.
We feel empathetic towards the main characters, because they aren't the best, have flaws, yet have this bit of Tarantino luck that they are the ones to save the world.
There's a lot of basic Hero's Journey stuff here like rejecting the call.

And it's awesome branding there for each ninja clan. If they had more clans, I'd either buy costumes for all of them or cosplay as the most random one. HUFFLEPUFF. Heck, they practically are here

And there's a wonderful BBC Quarry shot with all of the current Jakanja there. It must've been awesome to be in Japan to see the debut of the Hurricanger poses live. (Or maybe they're bored in comparison to all the other ninja media they see. I dunno...)

What a great start to a series!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

ToQger episode 45 possibilties

Wow. What an epic choice for the ending of a fairly challenging tokusatsu.

I foreshadowed Right being a Yami in the beginning. I figured it out the moment I saw him starting in the Shadow Line.
And Right is becoming quite a villain.
He's made two turns now, not to mention that little detail of eating the hungry campers' food early on when there was a famine.

Zedd alluded to having a connection to not only Right's shine, but Pleiades Shore and their memories.
Is one or both of them lying when they say they don't remember anything?
Zedd also alluded to an earlier scene referring to how Zedd and Right can't defeat each other.

Maybe the kid's and Zedd's memories of Pelaides' Shore is fake. (Yasuko Kobayashi is a big fan of the Matrix.) A symbol of a dream, an end to a journey, or propaganda, such as the American dream or an idea like Communism, a philosophy that motivates a group of people.
Maybe Right's Zedd or vice versa. He practically is now, having combined their powers into a SHINING Yami. It would also explain them sharing a memory.
Maybe Zedd is Right's parent. Or long lost pen pal's cousin or something.
Maybe Zedd will complete the Rainbow Line being the Purple member.

Missing from the original Power Rangers: Ninja Storm script

We here at Toku Heroes have found remanants of the original Power Rangers: Ninja Storm pilot, just in time for the release of Shuriken Sentai Nin-ninja
Here it is.

How's it going Zack?
I dunno! You read to go to the motorcycle Monster Truck rally?
Only if you're ready for some donuts!
Hold it dude! You gotta stop!
Yeah that donut talk has got me hungry!
You know what that's time for right?!
Some In N Out across from that Carl Jr's dude!
But we're going to need some desert to go with that!
Don't you know?
What dude?
In N Out comes out with its own milkshakes, vanilla and chocolate, dude!

Dude, why are you talking like that?
Talking like what?
Why are you talking like that for?
Cuz we're from big Ca, dude!
Dude, I'm from So Cal too. I sound like.

Time to race these bikers on the side walk without running over the pedestrians!
Isn't it a bit easier when you have a bike vs a monster truck!?
Like isn't fair dude!
I'm going to go smoke a schooobie!
You're going to kill a non-Californian?!
No, I'm going to smell a MJ
You're going to sniff Michael Jordan's butt! He's not that handsome in those Hanes' commercials dude! Not to mention, we're Lakers fans!
Yeah, dude! If you're watching, that means Kobe, not the Los Angeles Dodger! The American pastime is in the past!
Yeah! Time to do it in shitty Disneyland!
Dude! There's a non-smoking section in Disneyland!
Not to mention, I think it's illegal.
Yeah, dude! We can get fired or something!

The End

Kamen Rider Drive 10 Analysis: Christmas Special, Japanese RPM (!), Mega Man, camera set up

Ruining Christmas is symbolized somewhat poetically, definitely visually by turning off Christmas lights. I didn't really get an Eyes Wide Shut feeling from this, but there was an establishment of secrets being revealed in the episode. Gifts unwrapped perhaps? A deglorification of the hero's celebration with the lights being shut off?

Professor Banno creating evolving androids.
Heart killing Professor Banno who made Krim Sleighbelt.
When they stopped evolving, he started using Core Drivers for Roidmudes. Core powers for Tridoron and Drive.
Together they were Alphabet Soup, further engrainiating this as a RPM show. Mr. Belt is basically Dr. K.

There's also a bit of a Mega Man feel to this again.
Proto-Drive is sort of this Mega Man/Proto Man/Zero figure with scientists creating a humanoid anthropomorphic robot to fight other robots.

Interesting cinematography notes
I understand that mainly they use soap opera shots, cutting between a camera on each character, but one interesting choice is to have Heart and his scary presence as a small part of a shot between him and Drive.
Maybe it's to have the audience concentrate on Drive's reactions or Heart's acting using his mannerisms and voice.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Kamen Rider Drive Episode 5-6 would've made Shotaro Ishinomori and Judd Lynn proud

What I really enjoy about the Judd Lynn and Shotaro Ishinomori toku is the theme of corruption.

Ecliptor's good. Astronema's Andros' brother. Frax was a good guy trying to create good before being turned into a weapon of evil. Dr. K and Alphabet Soup.

In Cyborg 009, Black Ghost initially captured the original Cyborgs to form weapons against humanity. Being a weapons dealer, he was a profiteer that exploited human fears to his own power in the forms of other weapons.

This arc is very similar to a Shotaro Ishinomori arc.

A naive Kamen Rider obeys the rules of an underling government entity such as the police prior to becoming manipulated by corrupt government figures exploiting the police department's authority into protecting an explosives company from transporting their goods.

Chase/r warns Drive of this and man's inability to be trusted. Shinnosuke still believes in the good in humanity and saves the day.

But is he right and is he too much on the defense in regards to stopping these manners?

That's the interesting thing to debate.

The note I'll end on is regarding Mr. Belt's explanation of a scientists prior to the episode 10 explanation of his/its own background. He describes Nobel's quest to benefit mankind with dynamite, such as for construction purposes, creating wonders, tunnels, economic benefits for nations, cities, towns and towns, only for it to be seen exploited in the world for mass destruction, a term used for 9/11, a term used for describing horrors of every day.
Nobel is praised for his Peace prize and achievement in science, and fame, and intellect.
But is he really just a person rewritten in history as having done a great thing, by the many that control the world?

It remains to be seen who is manipulating Shinnosuke and the police in Drive as mentioned by Chase/r, as it is for conspiracy theorists to figure out how people manipulate the world.