Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 Episodes 8, "A Brush With Destiny" rant

Episode 8: A Brush With Destiny:
What do everyday Americans love?
What do they hate?

Maybe someone from France pissed off Saban or something.

But that dude's not as pissed as I am!

According to Wikipedia, (because Shit! I'm not watching a terrible episode of Season 3!) Kimberly has a nightmare about going to Paris. Wikipedia doesn't explain why she has it or even if she's going to Paris, (SHE ISN'T) and
According to Wikipedia, Finster creates a device for Zedd and Rita to go inside Kimberly's dreams to create a monster.

Seriously, what the fuck?!

Who the fuck would want to go into Kimberly's dream to create a monster?

You couldn't go into Tommy's? The dude that friggin isn't pseudo damsel in distress? MMA guy? Tattoos? Comes up with ideas like putting a ginormous Australian fly in his friend's sandwich or farting in Rocky's face? The dude who friggin pulls his pants down whenever he sees mistletoe?
No, you pick Kimberly, where you already made a shitty idea of making a purse and lipstick monster. (Well, it worked later on, but that was Kat's purse. How that would've worked I have no idea... Some bullshit about a more powerful staff.)

Well, they made a float monster I guess...

So after already establishing that part of the plan is stupid, you create a monster from somebody's dream:
Zordon! Wake up Kimberly! Tell her, she saw something I can't say about Tommy! Don't let Zedd make the damn monster you stupid time warp shit.
Again, rules about the viewing globe are absolute bullshit.

Also, why doesn't Zedd or Rita create their own device? They're friggin people with real magic. I guess they're lazy shits.

So, they're not creative enough to make up their own monster, but go along with one of the worst plans I've ever heard in any media's history.

So Kimberly has to overcome her fear of France to save the day.
Which isn't really a fear of France, since she doesn't go there ever in the series, possibly even in both Power Rangers and real life!
Maybe she takes French as a foreign language at Angel Grove High.
Whose curriculum consists of Show and Tell prior to getting into college.
No wonder Lord Zedd hates you guys.
Artist Mole doesn't even speak French.
He doesn't even do real or fake French things.

So Kimberly's entire fear of Artist Mole, are his lousy drawings and a fear of a French accent.
I am Kimberly's worst fear.
And on that note I end.

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