Sunday, January 25, 2015

1/25/15: Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger 1 Review: Go Hufflepuffs!

I love this episode. There's a million effects involved reminding me of the times when Machiko Soga uses the giant illusion.
There's a great use of not only special effects but athleticism as well as the stunt/actors do a whole bunch of stunts to demonstrate the powers, immerse you in a world of the supernatural, fantasy, and ninjas. I always imagine a Hurricanger-Magiranger teamup just because of how both teams deal with the elements.
We feel empathetic towards the main characters, because they aren't the best, have flaws, yet have this bit of Tarantino luck that they are the ones to save the world.
There's a lot of basic Hero's Journey stuff here like rejecting the call.

And it's awesome branding there for each ninja clan. If they had more clans, I'd either buy costumes for all of them or cosplay as the most random one. HUFFLEPUFF. Heck, they practically are here

And there's a wonderful BBC Quarry shot with all of the current Jakanja there. It must've been awesome to be in Japan to see the debut of the Hurricanger poses live. (Or maybe they're bored in comparison to all the other ninja media they see. I dunno...)

What a great start to a series!

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