Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Kamen Rider Drive Episode 5-6 would've made Shotaro Ishinomori and Judd Lynn proud

What I really enjoy about the Judd Lynn and Shotaro Ishinomori toku is the theme of corruption.

Ecliptor's good. Astronema's Andros' brother. Frax was a good guy trying to create good before being turned into a weapon of evil. Dr. K and Alphabet Soup.

In Cyborg 009, Black Ghost initially captured the original Cyborgs to form weapons against humanity. Being a weapons dealer, he was a profiteer that exploited human fears to his own power in the forms of other weapons.

This arc is very similar to a Shotaro Ishinomori arc.

A naive Kamen Rider obeys the rules of an underling government entity such as the police prior to becoming manipulated by corrupt government figures exploiting the police department's authority into protecting an explosives company from transporting their goods.

Chase/r warns Drive of this and man's inability to be trusted. Shinnosuke still believes in the good in humanity and saves the day.

But is he right and is he too much on the defense in regards to stopping these manners?

That's the interesting thing to debate.

The note I'll end on is regarding Mr. Belt's explanation of a scientists prior to the episode 10 explanation of his/its own background. He describes Nobel's quest to benefit mankind with dynamite, such as for construction purposes, creating wonders, tunnels, economic benefits for nations, cities, towns and towns, only for it to be seen exploited in the world for mass destruction, a term used for 9/11, a term used for describing horrors of every day.
Nobel is praised for his Peace prize and achievement in science, and fame, and intellect.
But is he really just a person rewritten in history as having done a great thing, by the many that control the world?

It remains to be seen who is manipulating Shinnosuke and the police in Drive as mentioned by Chase/r, as it is for conspiracy theorists to figure out how people manipulate the world.

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