Sunday, March 22, 2015

Haim Saban has a food fetish

Bulk and Skull
Pudgy Pig
Rita's Pita
Rocky just wants to have fun
Zack meets Angela on a Tommy-Kim double date at a French restaurant
A mystery dinner in ZEO.
Lt. Stone's
Kat having a weight issue vs Numbor.
Count Carlos at the Blood Bank.
Adelle Ferguson's

Next Mutation

Masked Rider
Dex bites a juice box
Ice Cream

Neo Saban:
I'd like to have a slice of pizza
Spike squirts OJ at Bulk
Barracuda Blade amigos!
Orion works there.
Fro Yo. Enough with the Fro Yo! Too much friggin Fro Yo!
Shelby drinks too much soda.
They work at a dinosaur restaurant.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge: Episode 6, "The Tooth Hurts" Review

This episode was really good considering that they shouldn't have adapted it at all. Thanks to the Judd Lynn and maybe even the director, the Rangers really made it seem like the monster was a threat.
They build it up in the beginning knowing that the audience may have watched Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, by making the monster of the week seem like he's not a serious threat. Even Sledge acknowledges his lack of concern for the monster till they indicate Fury's injuries. (Hopefully, that's not an insult to the Japanese bad guys.)
Anybody who's had a bad tooth, or watched John Schlesinger's Marathon Man knows how much of a hindrance it can be.
There's a logic to the character and it works on a level that even kids can understand. He wants to cause the end of the world through-
Cakes of EVIL!
It's such a good device to show the villain's evilness, despite it's campiness. Very good balance by the Saban team to add such a subtle use of humor to an over the top use of special effects violence.
The performance by the voice actor, unlike the Rangers, was pretty good, emphasizing this kind of mix. He's subtle enough in his humor not making a tooth pun like the Rangers, while having a stereotypical sadistic evil voice, possibly scarying the kid audience till the Rangers save the day.

Although.... something hurts alright.

Not being balanced was good, albeit done way too unsubtlely to really spell it out for the kids.
I still find Chase's humor annoying. You're not Jeff Bridges! You're not Ziggy Grover!
Also, we're going back to Power Rangers Samurai puns in the series as Tyler says, "Ain't it the tooth." This is really an example of how they're missing Jeff Bridges as the Dude, a really interesting character turned straight up annoying.

Also, I liked some of the improv they did the last episode. Reminded us these characters existed.
Tyler had nothing interesting to do; I guess they're getting all they need storyline wise from Koda's episode; Shelby did nothing till both did the acrobatics in the end.

The Keeper shows up again for no reason, but he's used well, even if I hate Zordon exposition.

Friday, March 13, 2015

They make Chase a dumbass and no sell it in Dino Charge Episode 5, "Breaking Black"

Did the humor in "Breaking Black" work?
Seriously. This was the only thing that really bothered me with this episode.
They did the serious drama in the series good so far. Heck, I would debate that they even do it right in Samurai and Megaforce.
But the humor is really what kills this like many neo-Saban series:
  • Mia's cooking
  • Tensou being mistaken for a suitcase, with no laugh track and all the characters no selling it
  • Kevin
  • We left home at home?!
A Maori fortune teller?
  1. how'd she get there?
  2. is this supposed to be funny?
  3. you expect a little kid watching NICKELODEON to figure out what a Maori fortune teller is? I don't know what that is. Maybe this is supposed to be some edutainment lesson, but it failed!
  4. Is this supposed to make fun of Maori people? Because if so, that's just darn ignorant and racist.
  5. Why does Chase and more importantly us the audience care about a object from someone who may/not be a Maori/parody? 
Chase is a Ziggy with bad humor aka Chase is a bad Ziggy, bad as in not proficient at being one.

I've never seen such a haphazard everyman. He sets the place on fire. He sleeps protecting something for a friend, and doesn't even bother locking the door.
Like Shelby's clumsy, but at least they set her up as some sort of Triceratops savant. What is Chase?

I just had a thought: maybe this is how Judd Lynn had wanted to write Chase, but director Charlie Haskell just wasn't able to pull it off. The dialogue and Chase's actions actually reveal a lot about his character if you ignore the awful direction they put his character: he's a guy who,

doesn't like his job,
is a millenial, wants to do fun stuff opposed to work as a janitor and undesirable, minimum wage, fast food person at the Dino Joint just trying to get by, who happens to be a Power Ranger!
It makes him very relatable, in how most people doing minimum wage jobs don't necessarily enjoy what they're doing, but are a part of this economic system which requires a lot of human labor either cuz of politics, economical reasons or Illuminati blah blah Illuminati.

Chase's character actually isn't very new for the series, albeit they could've cleaned up the kinks in the performance, whoever's fault that was.

As Ecoolarg mentioned, like Jack, he just "wanted to be a dude."

Judd Lynn has featured poor characters throughout his work. An example of an implied poor person, may be the bus driver in Episode 8 of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, where the man who wants to take a bus hostage is actually a man who was laid off from work as a bus driver. He then saves the day by doing a seemingly easy task by driving a bus, unknown to kids how difficult driving large vehicles is!

Chase also has a little Tommy in it, being a late, careless, "comical" character who happens to be a Dino Charge Black Ranger.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Prisoners' Director will helm Blade Runner sequel

I have issues with making a sequel for the film as I've stated multiple times.
I didn't even complain about Prometheus, because I thought it was really good having Engineers creat humans and other beings, having a God of humans destroy them, much like a god of robots get killed by his creation
But Ridley Scott always said he wanted the ending of Blade Runner to be ambigious as to whether Rick Deckard was a replicant.
And bringing back Harrison Ford without Sean Young was going to be a problem for that.

There were very few directors I think should actually direct this, beside Denis Villenueve. That I'll get into in a different article.
This is his first really big budget film. This can be a big impact as he's really hit hard for his films. He has vision. He makes art, not entertainment.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger looks pretty awesome based on Episode 2

I loved the substitution no jutsu the ninjas had in this episode. They were very plain effects done exceptionally well. I fear how Saban will screw up that effect, albeit I'm just expecting another Clan of the Claw, (not a bad thing at all!)
A kappa is interesting especially after American fans watched the Hellboy: Inu Yasha Thunder Brothers animation.

I'm also enjoying how the Shurikens are basically making every Sentai senshi an adaptation of Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0, not just being reliant on sword sabre attacks, but giving them a long range edge as well.

The close range fighting in this episode was also a lot more improved than the last one, which had too many abrupt cuts, but did have a good use of ninja bombs and shuriken explosions.

And the sumo ninja Kappa fight was awesome. Landing on the water was an awesome effect too.

I also enjoyed how any Ninninja can take over the Shurikenjin during a fight, leading to multiple possibilties.

I really hope they do something interesting if they're going to have a ninja master in the Power Rangers adaptation. Maybe he won't be as old. He probably won't be related.

What happened to Fuuka's hat? She had awesome clothes before! Now she's just a ninja! It really added to her personality in a way that Transmorphers 2 failed with one of its characters. In Transmorphers 2: Fall of Man, the clothes basically was the character, not having any other distinguishable traits for the actress to use, lacking a Kill la Kill clothes vs character dynamic. Or maybe the actress just wasn't talented.

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger's Ao Ninja senshi Yakkun is as yellow as a Tsubasa Banana.
Yakkun is the new Baron just as Chase is the new Micchy.

Gabi might be a big bad next episode, again reinforcing the Magiranger-like storyline started by having a teenager who went to England to learn magic, a MagiDragon homage, etc.. Yakkun after all does seem inspired by Tsubasa, the intelligent magician.
I really like Yakkun's character: he's smart, yet has some difficult getting along making him have a flaw. Also for detractors of the more young fan, less challenging approach, he makes the show have a bit of a challenge, something I might've misunderstood from the use of Baron in Kamen Rider Gaim.
They did a really good job establishing him as a contrast to Takkun this episode.
It'd be very interesting if they gave them an aspect of his character to explore regarding why he doesn't respect his family, (grandfather and Takkun,) why he doesn't have pride in their traditions, etc.. Maybe something happened to him on the mother's side or maybe he has some sort of anti-Japanese sentiment. It could be something interesting explored, although not required.
He has this zen element to him though. He's a bit of a realist, not allowing people's deaths, even his family's get in his way of accomplishing what he sought out to do. He has great concentration which the fans and family members should appreciate.

I do feel like cat face Kasumi sorta threw a Takkun's better than Yakkun storyline for no reason though, albeit Yakkun's reaction to that mattered.

Happy birthday, Gates McFadden

Labyrinth, dance choreographer
Moments of forbidden scientific romance such as that of:
"Encounter at Farpoint Station"
"The Best of Both Worlds" where she gives great empathy to the downed Captain Picard
"Remember Me" a world where she is separated from everyone else. Could've been darker, but interesting.
"Clues" she pulled off a great aspect of this mystery.
"The Host" Crusher falls for a Trill commander.
"Attached" You get the point
"Parallels" Crusher helps Worf

She was so popular that when she was replaced by Dr. Pulaski the second season, there was an uproar by the fans.
Her character,  Dr. Beverly Crusher's son, Wesley Crusher was based on Gene Roddenberry himself, to mixed results.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The 4 unlucky points of Power Rangers Dino Charge Episode 3

4 is an unlucky number in Chinese. So I'd like to establish the 4 unlucky points we encountered in episode 3 of Power Rangers Dino Charge.
1. Sledge killed the dinosaurs. Why do we care about the Keeper's powers? How do they work when he already had them killed? Maybe it's because they combined with the gems, but that's not what the Keeper was talking about. He's not like friggin Dimtria or anything. He's supposed to be spells everything out Zordon, that dumbass teenagers can listen to.

2. We had more Sledge and Keeper! WTF?! Why does anybody give a shit?

3 Why do we think he's a loner? He's supposed to be a standard hero's journey character. Not someone with some sort of mental deficiency.
He already worked with Shelby in the first episode. Maybe, he doesn't know because he didn't tell them, but let's not try and outthink the plot here, Mr. Neo Saban director! Let's not try that here in intro Episode 151!

4. Why do we care about them saving their secret identities when Sledge already saw them morph? And then they just drop it at the end of the episode. Like if Sledge knows, who is he going to report to that'll all of a sudden make them even in more danger. He's the big bad!

Power Rangers Dino Charge Episode 4 Review: Secret of the Caveman was long overdue for the series

Koda's a big problem for the series. He's sort of a second big hanging chad or whatever you call it for the series. An attempt to appeal to kids, without knowing what appeals to them.
However, this episode opened me up to the idea. Not surprising of course, since Judd Lynn wrote the episode.

The little brother thing was a bit too spelled out, but done well. We learned a lot about him in this episode, and I appreciated that from Lynn and his crew.
The comedy was a bit of a dunce, but had a purpose.
It was a good Koda episode after all, mixed with Tyler leading and good Megazord gattais, morphs armor, Dino Cycles and Koda catching an ENERGY cage with hands in the end. (Dino Gem bs FTW!)
The last episode had so much action, but not enough plot. I think this episode was a nice relief from that, despite a lot of character imbalances since the females were in the Dino Cave.
There was a ton more they could've had them do just by having them walk around or press a button opposed to talking on an "intercom."
But this was great. Exactly what I wanted from a Judd Lynn run series.
AND NO FRIGGIN KEEPER! (Write him off for all I care!)

Nitpick: Why does he not have problems with the jeep that he was in in Episode 1? This development should've been included earlier, if they were going to decide to go that route. THEY DID!
Now he's freaking out about the sprinklers?