Sunday, March 1, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge Episode 4 Review: Secret of the Caveman was long overdue for the series

Koda's a big problem for the series. He's sort of a second big hanging chad or whatever you call it for the series. An attempt to appeal to kids, without knowing what appeals to them.
However, this episode opened me up to the idea. Not surprising of course, since Judd Lynn wrote the episode.

The little brother thing was a bit too spelled out, but done well. We learned a lot about him in this episode, and I appreciated that from Lynn and his crew.
The comedy was a bit of a dunce, but had a purpose.
It was a good Koda episode after all, mixed with Tyler leading and good Megazord gattais, morphs armor, Dino Cycles and Koda catching an ENERGY cage with hands in the end. (Dino Gem bs FTW!)
The last episode had so much action, but not enough plot. I think this episode was a nice relief from that, despite a lot of character imbalances since the females were in the Dino Cave.
There was a ton more they could've had them do just by having them walk around or press a button opposed to talking on an "intercom."
But this was great. Exactly what I wanted from a Judd Lynn run series.
AND NO FRIGGIN KEEPER! (Write him off for all I care!)

Nitpick: Why does he not have problems with the jeep that he was in in Episode 1? This development should've been included earlier, if they were going to decide to go that route. THEY DID!
Now he's freaking out about the sprinklers?

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