Thursday, February 26, 2015

A list of shitty dark stuff worse than James Van Der Beek and Katee Sackhoff's Power/Rangers

Birth of a Nation What a place to start. A minority being portrayed poorly leading to many deaths.
Team America: World Peace Another minority being portrayed poorly leading to propaganda.
Japanese people that kill people over dancing spots cough cough Kamen Rider Baron

Tropic Thunder: It was comedy where the darkness didn't make any sense and it wasn't funny.
Hunger Games: What a waste of time watching this.
Battle Royale: Too much marketing, too cheap the effects.
Human Centipede: I or II?
United 93: Exploited 9/11
The Interview: The movie exploited American fears. The marketing did way worse.
Katie Vick: HHH and WWE and the McMahons think having sex with a dead body is a good storyline. And comical! The beginning of the end with WWE.
JBL: A Republican becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion after jobbing the night before. WWE pisses everybody off and gets ratings.
Vince McMahon wrestles God. Wins by countout. Top quality writing there. And sacrilegious
Vince McMahon stages his own death in storyline prior to Eddie Guerrero's actual death.
WWE gives Rey Mysterio the belt to cash in on Eddie Guerrero's death. Chris Benoit later commits double-murder suicide.
WWE now: Even when they finally give the belts to someone people care about, they're booed, because of how many rightfully unpopular decisions they've made the past two years that've lost them money and audience. Twilight: It just fucking sucks and wastes time.
Neo Saban: I meant that for Neo Saban
The Last Tango in Paris: Marlon Brando rapes someone in real life for the film. Give Bernardo Bertolucci the Oscar!
Caligula: an entire crew died of cancer, because Howard Hawks was too unconcerned for their health to make a film where John Wayne played Genghis Khan

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