Saturday, February 21, 2015

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode 1 Raw Review

I'm a bit worried, a bit excited about Aka Ninja. He's brave, but he has an alienating accent, which more understanding people will let go. Teleportation and substitution are interesting.
I'm not sure if he runs into fights, because he's dumb or because he's brave. Maybe a combination! (And cuz it's a Super Sentai show!)

Ao Ninja is the foreign one.
Ki Ninja is the sporty aggressive one.
Shiroi is the wimp, made fun of, who really likes her dad and grandpa.
Momo is the opposite of Shiroi.

They have a good Magiranger dynamic to them. It hasn't been used in a while, so it's a good use.

I like how they don't start off as (at least uniformed) ninjas and family's a strength they have.

I'm also sorta wondering if this show is supposed to be a parody of Power Rangers Samurai:
  • The main character's ADR is awful.
  • They use basically the same Samurai Sword holsters, except they're some sort of unorthodox use of a Shuriken around a ninja sword.
I like the use of the green screen effects for the camoflague-jutsu.
I like how Shurikens are used for multiple variations of attacks including turning an inanimate object into a bad guy a la Lord Zedd.

The bad villainess is like that Tekken character.

GoGo V/Magiranger mom plot device here somewhere.

The preschool drawings of the ninjas are well done, but it's not really clicking for me. I imagine some fans really thinking the ninja theatrics like when I first saw the Hurricaneger theatrics. So, we'll see.

I'm also hoping the Ninningers can henshin into their mecha forms.

I find it unfair Aka Ninja has a chair, while the rest have to stand, but at least the suit actors can switch costumes.

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