Sunday, December 20, 2015

How Power Rangers in Space was a better Star Wars Power Rangers than Dino Charge

Disney or not, Dino Charge should've capitalized on the Star Wars craze.

Riley as Luke
Chase as Han
Keeper as Yoda
Tyler as Obi-Wan
Kendall as Princess Leia

It didn't and was a sign of bad planning again by Neo-Saban.

Let's go back to Power Rangers in Space
The planet of KO-35 were Jedi, even wearing their robes. Andros and Zhane had blade-ish weapons. They're even referred to as Rebels. Andros was Luke
Zordon was Obi-Wan
Astronema was Vader/Leia.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Mack Hartford was a better Red Ranger than Tyler Navarro

Tyler has a better actor, and was really refreshing to see him play Akashi in Dino Charge.
However, they do nothing with him. He's not even the main character and putting him in a fight with Sledge was nonsense since they don't plan on killing off the Keeper character any time soon.

Mack's flaws come from his very odd pedophilic relationship with his father and the fact that its mechacest as well, but whatever. At least, he was the main character and a credible Red Ranger type, unlike the rest of the Red Rangers in the Disney era. Everything revolved around him and him fighting off the bad guy in the end would've fit since he's the main adventure guy, the underdog, etc. and deserved the big pay off at the end of the series.

I debate that even Samurai and Megaforce had more Red Ranger-ish protagonists. Not to mention, the trope is out of date since SPD and RPM and out of place, since they just don't do anything with such a great character such as Tyler, instead spending more time with useless "characters' such as Chase and Koda.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

B Fighter Kabuto 5 review

Gold eats with a fellow student who is female.
There's a video game craze.
Vilor's up to no good.
Stomach ache.
Send out the robots.
Love shot in the end.

Juukou B-Fighter Episode 1 Review

This is a classic pre-2000s Toei intro to a show. 
Intro to the characters:
Red is Tori Martin.
Green is the Forest guy.
Blue is the protagonist and finds the Gingaman-ish cartoony toku character.

The Jamahl base is very VR Troopers/Metalder reminiscent with the foot soldiers all saluting Zeon/HYDRA style. Would've been cooler with monsters of the week though, but understandable due to budget constraints.
Also, their base is friggin Master Hand.
They blow up buildings and kill people

The heroes fight off the forces of evil. The first two are captured.
Bugs save the day.
Blue gets his suit. Saves the day.
Terminator stance.

SPOILER ALERT the Commander is Last Ninja Grandpa 

Ryan's Laser Hand Command would've been properly adapted into Blue's Slash. It would've been cool to see these two teamup.

B-Fighter Kabuto Ep 3 and 4 review

Episode 3 establishes Purple/Tentou as a video game expert, the brains behind the team, and a caring role model for young girls. It's quite literal, perhaps creating stereotypes, but effective characterizations.
The end was a good cliffhanger for us to get to know JPN Nukus., He's more gentlemanly, although not as good, probably inspired Christopher Cho's ferocity.
Nukus' mother laying an Ridley Scott inspired Alien egg was sort of disturbing.
The monster of the week had a pretty cool Cerberus crocodile design to him.
Gold may prove to be more annoying later on. I think he may be flirting with Black's sister but whichever.
Not sure of the Commander's role. Alpha robot was interesting.

The second episode was them fighting Nukus and Worm Tanks with new tech.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge "Deep Down Under" Overview

Kendall informs the Rangers of the Pleio Zord's presence in New Zealand. Shelby assumes that her favorite palentologist can help her find it and goes after him. After finding him, he appears to have an ego, but tips him off as to a New Zealand myth that may be mistaken for the Pleio Zord. 
The Rangers fight Fury.
Fury gets to the palentologist.
The palentologist meets Shelby.
The palentologist finds the Zord off Shelby's phone to get famous.
He doesn't. Takes it back. Fuck it. Good wins, motherfuckers.
Space Godzilla shows up.
Everything is good in the end.

I like that it's a canon episode about the actual looking for dino zords, being that Tyler's actually Bouken Red, but no one ever seems to care. Shelby gets a plot. Minor character of the week was a jerk. Shelby's speech about not wanting to become famous and actually taking pride into ones work is an old American puritan speech that everyone's heard again and again. It would've been funnier, if the palentologist had become the bad guy in the end. They even sorta teased that he was Fury. In the scene, Fury was in, but whatever.
Good guys win.
We forget about Tyler's dad.
Status quo stuff.
Oh and Mecha Space Dino Zord. How the fuck can't you love that?
Kyoryuger did it, but I hated that show and can't seem to find it. It was probably better. Comment below. I'd love to hear about it.

Monday, November 16, 2015

VR Troopers: "Mutant Mutiny" and episode craftmanship

I already discussed the adaptation of the episode. Let's just talk about the episode by itself.

It's a sequel to MMPR's the Mutiny.
The Troopers are given a task to betray Tao in order to give Tao money.
Amphibador wants to betray Grimlord and Grimlord Amphibador.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge, "World Famous! In New Zealand! (I hope not.)"

Shelby has a lot of food duties.
She laughs at Kendall cuz she doesn't have to do them.
They hear from Chase about a guy who finds UFOs in New Zealand. The same New Zealand the Power Rangers are filming in.
No jokes about it. All straight.

The guy pretends to fight all sorts of animals.
He goes up a obstacle course.
He reveals himself to be a Ranger, but doesn't know cuz he's from New Zealand
And he's afraid of monsters.
And Keeper shows up in the episode to take the powers away from him.
Doesn't happen to any other Ranger.
Nickelodeon won't give him a noble death or anything.
Then we never see him again.

That's the whole episode.

It doesn't come off as a Boom or great episode. It's really Neo Saban lame and cheap while not being as groan inducing because Judd Lynn headed it.

Friday, October 2, 2015

800th Episode Special: Power Rangers episodes I liked

High Five
Different Drum
For Whom the Bell Trolls
Peace Love and Woe
Gung Ho
The Spit Flower
Wheel of Misfortune
Birds of a Feather
Crystal of Nightmares
A Pig Surprise
Something Fishy
Reign of the Jellyfish
On Fins and Needles
Mighty Morphin Mutants
Return of an Old Friend
Orchestral Manuevers in the Park
Season 2 Episode 5 to Missing Green
When is a Ranger...
A Friend in Need
A Ranger Catastrophe Not Part 1
Clash of the Megazords
The Game
There's No Business Like Snow Business
King for a Day
Do I Know You?
Revelations of Gold
Hawaii Zeo
Shift into Turbo
Shadow Rangers
Glyph Hanger
The Millenium Message
Honey I Shrunk the Rangers
Passing the Torch
Darkest Day
One Last Hope
Phantom Phenomenon
When Time Freezes Over
Fall of the Phantom
Clash of the Megazords
Spirit of the Woods
Song of Confusion
The Accident
Cassie's Best Friend
The Curve Ball
Parts and Parcel
Chase into Space
PRIS To Not Shell Shocked and Grandma Matchmaker Maybe not Zhane-Astronema
Quasar Quest
Rookie in Red
Blue Crush
Magna Defender Arc
The Rescue Mission
Blue to the Test
Kendrix-Karone arc
Journey's End
Trial By Fire
Wheels of Destruction
A Matter of Trust
Up to the Challenge
Cyborg Rangers
Go Volcanic
Olympius Ascends
Omega Project
The Chosen Path
Yesterday Again
As Time Runs Out
The Last Ranger
Wrath of the Queen to Fate of Lightspeed
Force From The Future
The Time Shadow
Jen's Revenge
Clash for Control, Quantum Quest
Quantum Secrets
Time Force Traitor
Frax's Fury
Fight Against Fate, Destiny Defeated
Time For Lightspeed
A Calm Before the Storm
The End of Time
Lionheart to Secrets and Lies
Sing Song
Unfinished Business
The Master's Herald to The End of the Power Rangers
Beauty and the Beach to Thunder Strangers, Return of Thunder
Thunder Storm
Beginnings to Walls
SWAT to Endings
Code Busters
Rock Solid
Scaredy Cat
Soul Specter
Kick into Overdrive
Pirate in Pink
Face to Face
It's Hammer Time
Once a Ranger
Welcome to the Jungle
All of RPM
Jayden's Part of Clash of the Red Rangers
Earth Fights Back
Silver Lining Part 1 & 2
Powers from the Past, The Tooth Hurts onwards

Monday, July 20, 2015

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie is the most anti-Power Rangers film I've seen

First off, 3 of the originals were fired cuz of this film. That last song isn't like it either.
Heck, few of the songs are done by Ron Wasserman.

Tommy doesn't go on Martial Arts tournaments.
Rocky doesn't play as his second in command.
Adam doesn't get the notable well written episodes he normally gets.
Kimberly doesn't do the valley girl gymnastics thing combined with other notable out of valley girl stuff that made her stand out in the first season.
Billy doesn't do any nerdy stuff.
They don't go to school.
They're not even on summer vacation.
Bulk and Skull don't try and unmask the Power Rangers or act like bullies like in the first two seasons.
There's no Ernie, Kaplan or Appleby.
Both Power Rangers film Fox originals have kids in them wanting to be or are Power Rangers.
Ivan Ooze's Ooze makes people want to buy more Ooze, the very reason that gave Haim Saban power and got the 3 Ranger actors fired.
The Megazords are made out of cheap $10 million 3D opposed to the $100 million 3D of T2 and Pacific Rim.
There's very little character writing in this movie, which is all what we adore and which is critical in a film that is non-canon.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

SO MUCH HAPPENS in Kamen Rider Drive Episode 33

Tomari is shot in the chest by 001, similar to what happened to his dad.
There's a mystery with what's happened to Dr. Krim/Belt, since they can't remove him from Tomari.

Nira wants to find a new Kamen Rider Drive
Chief won't let him in a moment of acting he finally gets in the series. I really want to see this character get more moments in the series that are dramatic now, but maybe not too many as this moment really stood out.

Chaser then involves himself with an attack at the Roidmunde hideout, attempting to save Gou from Roidmunde control.
001 wants the fight for himself.
The freeze doesn't work on non-humans.
Gou then made some sort of unknown deal with Brain, allowing him to get a tablet containing all the weaknesses of all the Roidmundes that can destroy them all.
Gou feels horrible for allowing Shinnosuke to die for that?

Gou then asks his sister for forgiveness for Shinnosuke's death and promises to make everything better.

Chief then grabs Shinnosuke's body in an attempt to revive him.
Chief seems to be the one giving Rinna and others instructions.
Nira is nearby but seemingly does nothing.

When Kiriko attempts to drive Tridoron 200 km/h to revive Shinnosuke, 001 interferes.
Shinnosuke is revived though and stops 001 with Type Tridoron, basically a Decade-Drivish Battilizer to combat 001.
001 then implies that he knew and is waiting for Shinnosuke to find out what really happened to Tomari-san.

Is Nira or Kamen Rider Dark Drive the next Kamen Rider?
Is Krim up to something?
Is Chaser up to something influencing Gou?
What is Brain up to with Gou?
What is Gou up to with Brain?
Maybe the Chief had something to do considering he was behind Rinna.

Shuriken Sentai Ninninja 1-12 notes


Ninninja being attacked in the old spot
Introduction to the characters
Grandpa's revealed to be alive.

Shuriken fights
Yakkun is the lancer

Nagi episode
Aka Ninja wants to fight Gabi


Aka Ninja in the Spider dimension, Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions. Whatever


Grandpa's revelation as meeting aliens is revealed after an alien obviously giving dangerous balloons attacks.
Momo Ninja is revealed to be a university student!

fuuka captured

7 ninjas join
time travel

ninja girl fear

9 witty
Pink disappears out of nowhere
Yakkun uses magic and ninja to save the day

11 fuuka and nagi disappear till a ninja dance

Hamburglar wants to become a ninja
He takes care of the ninninjas by serving them food
Magical cowboy hat

Saturday, June 6, 2015

I want my money, PRPHD's brother's Haim Saban impersonation

I like Power Rangers.
It's good for the kids.
Has a lot of educational purposes.
Plus, I get to sell toys to sell my cocaine addiction

What does that mean?

Anyway, I had a curious note about education. You mention educational value in the show. What about when Noah Carver stated a supposed fact with no evidence regarding how dreams can see into the future. What... What exactly is the educational value of that, without evidence, without  and also being shitty writing
I dunno. Maybe the writer had a bad case of OD?
Anyway, what I want to know is where my cocaine is?
I want to know where my cocaine is.
Maybe I stuffed it in the ET

Haim Saban wears the Keeper's head while attempting to snort cocaine off a cocaine baby's lollipop stick.

PRPHD's brother's Mighty Morphin fan impersonation

Y'know what?
They should bring back the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers back.
That would make a lot of money.
I know, because I watch a lot of shows.
Like Power Rangers Dino Charge.
It's not as good as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
They should bring back the originals.
Have Audri Dubois replace Thuy Trang.
No one will know the difference.
It'll get a lot of views.
I know.
Cuz I'll watch it.
I have great taste.
I know.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Power Rangers Ninja Storm positives

It has an audience. The actors were directed right and portrayed valley, motocross people quite well in a time when Rocket Power was popular. (Take notes Nickelodeon.) It commercially made sense, albeit I prefer the Judd Lynn era.The bad guy was a human. A human with ninja powers, but a human nonetheless.

One of the new Bulk and Skull made it into Dino Thunder. A shame they didn't carry over to Mystic Force. (Get out of here, Leelee!) Made sense for SPD, considering it was 25 years in the future. (Makeup? Not like Disney didn't have!)

I found Lothar, Marah and Kapri quite funny at times. Maybe it was cuz I was tired and wasn't a morning person, but I laughed.

I really didn't like Chuubo's design, but he surprised fans with his ability to beat the Rangers later.
Sargaine meanwhile wasn't really a rat like in Hurricanger, and was basically a tamer more kid friendly version of Goldar, almost being the evil general for the troops like in most toku tropes.
And  ! How friggin awesome?! He killed Sargaine and almost Lothar. That would've been a really cool plot twist, one that didn't happen, but was really cool to see on a Teen Titans level nonetheless.

It felt a lot more Mighty Morphin like (fun like SPD) than forced like in Dino Thunder.

Tori was a surfer sporty martial arts person. Fits a bit more than for whatever reason Nao Nagasawa was super popular for, singing. (No offense.) She was an anti-Kim, which was pretty cool, despite Kim not really being a damsel, Tori not really being beyond tropes. Kimberly had a lot more character thingamajigs while Tori just managed her trope.

The Thunder Rangers were such a cool concept as you had two Tommys and then a Green Ranger later on. I would've preferred them to stay darker or cooler, but it worked.
And Cam. Great idea. A Billy who can make zords and kick ass. Can actually fight unlike Oboro. (well except for that ONE episode.)
I don't like Cyber Cam. I don't think he's funny, but there's wit there concerning the contrast of his range and acting ability.
It's a shame considering that Hurricanger would make it on youtube 2 years later that we would find out how cool Shurikenger and Kabuto and Kaiga Raiger would be, but oh well. Awesome stuff nonetheless.

They still fought prior to Mystic Force.
Decent intro considering no Ron Wasserman.

It wasn't Disney's fault Ninja Storm add ons are ugly gatchapons.

Friday, May 22, 2015

The humans are the bad guys in Kamen Rider Drive

The police are corrupt.
Gou wants to murder.
Shinnosuke is more executioner than policeman/enforcer.
Humans are also the ones who made the Roidmundes.
Possible parallel to those who start wars in the real world.
Something to think about as Kamen Rider Drive is a spiritual sequel to Power Rangers RPM as noted by the:
robot enemies
the plot device of not knowing tokusatsu
and the Robotmaggeddon.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy birthday to Iggy Pop, 4/21/15

This should be a bit more controversial, since I'm very anti-Crow: City of Angels, and thought Iggy Pop's character was a major highlight of everything that went wrong. Way too over the top, bizarre and neither fit the comic writer Ed Barr nor 1994 breakout director Alex Proyas. I mean it sorta had the direction, but it wasn't... it wasn't executed with the same mystique, class, despite having such a horrible subject. And if I ever get a show/movie going you'll note how much I admire Brandon Lee and Thuy Trang's work, Rest in Peace.
But, he was also in Deep Space Nine. He was sort of a mellow character. There wasn't as much hype. He played a conservative general. And if you're on Deep Space Nine, I hear you have a lot of fun, despite DS9 being the most dramatic of all series. He's a musician. He didn't want to disrespect anyone's legacy or anything. He was either doing it to get paid or in admiration or trying to follow a director's goal to mixed results.
Happy Birthday Iggy.

Gavan, Enter and Basco to be in Yakuza stage play

Monday, April 20, 2015

List of Kamen Riders that should be Mortal Kombat X DLC

Shadow Moon
Orphenoch variations of Faiz belts
Hibiki Riders especially Todoroki
Wing Knight played by Johnny Cage himself
Decade's Dark Riders from the Diend universe
The Akuma himself Decade
Kurokage Warrior
Kamen Rider Mach, combined with special Kamen Rider Mach House, (Japanese film fans will get it.)

Dark Heart played by Raiden's voice actor
Black Beet

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Good vs bad of Godzillanno

Godzilla vs Angels
Angel-like designs for Godzilla thoughs

Furry Godzilla
Godzilla masturbating while locking the door
Godzilla having underage sex.
Godzilla as a non-good-bad guy not doing anything involving the fate of the world, where the humans are the bad guys trying to kill him by saving him.
A Godzilla dating sim
An unsatisfying ending and rebootquel.

Ranking the last 3 episodes of this half season of Power Rangers Dino Charge

  1. 7. "Let Sleeping Zords Lie"
  2. 8. "Double Ranger, Double Danger"
  3. 6. "The Tooth Hurts"

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Kamen Rider: The First (mandarin dub) meets the hype of Kamen Rider

Please note: I listened to the mandarin dub of Kamen Rider: The First for this review. I did it after hearing about the 10 year anniversary this year.

The beginning of the film has to do with Kamen Rider: The First, being in college discussing the human body and how it's part of nature. When asked by his female colleague about the human body, he responds that it's 60% water, like the plants outside featured in the camera shots. There's beauty even in the realistic Christopher Nolan coincidental type film that this toku is trying to be.
Ichigo also discusses wanting to stay in University, school, a safe area that all students are familiar with, growing up there for 20+ years. Some form independent opinions, but some are institutionalized forming certain ideas of how life was from textbooks and professors. Textbooks that are no better sold than by politicians dealing with weapons salesman, and professors of a lacking education system, struggling to make money, struggling to teach, struggling to benefit others including themselves, to make themselves feel mentally active as well.

Other notes:
Kamen Rider 1's love story parallels the other love stories of the film. And they even make a reference to shipping in the film.
2, what don't you say that you're KR 2? Because it's cooler that way.
It's a bit of an unwelcome love triangle for me, albeit it demonstrates that there's struggles for them cuz of being Kamen Rider and creations of Shocker.
The hospital love story.
It's a good story, and idea, but it wasn't edited right, introduced a bit too late in the film to gain interest, and too short to have people care about it, albeit I didn't quite understand what everyone's complaint was considering how short of a segment in the film it was. (I would've started with this as the introduction.)

2 also knows the female protagonist, a main connection to the fresh out of water bystander protagonist ta la Vickie Vale in Batman and Marty McFly in Back to the Future.
Speaking of which, Batman Shocker sounds like a friggin variety show host and salesman.

There are some Shotaro Ishinomori references that you might've missed. (Might've. You probably got it.)
Leaping from a building you just exploded could be a 9/11 reference to how people had to leap out of the Twin Towers to survive the collapse.
Nazi references include the S S Shocker Shocker logo.
The place where 2 and the female protagonist work are also parallels between being institutionalized and being in an institution.

Smoking doesn't kill someone in the movie, but someone is killed after smoking a cab in the movie.
Taking care of a taxi, a blue collar workjer.
Originally knocking out KR 2

Nitpicks: I wouldn't wanted to know more about Shocker if they were going the Batman Begins route. (It came out the same time so can't blame them.)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The admirable flaw of the The End of Time finale

I'm not the biggest fan of Time Force. I, in contrast to many people, have issues with the acting. I like certain episodes, but it didn't really register with me completely.

"The End of Time Part II" was like a Dark Knight, Empire Strikes Back sequel to the intro episode with a great use of Judd Lynn cliffhanger ending.

However, "The End of Time Part III" was the flaw for me.
Somewhere along the lines of the words of second Mighty Morphin Red Ranger Steve Cardenas come to mind, "Princess Leia name the child after a man who destroyed her home planet?! Ha!"
They ran out of the budget for the season. They wanted to do another part. Saban wanted them to end there, unlike with Lightspeed Rescue the previous year. Lynn was out. 
I expect Jackie Machand ad-libbed Ransik saving her daughter that brought him down to tears. And it sort of works, because in Time Force, the baddies are captured, not killed. Jen learns not to take vengeance. Ransik needed an arc too. But it wasn't alluded to earlier, and only really works if you're sentimental and weren't from a broken home, giving into right wing forms of conservative nuclear families.
Sure, it would've been cool if Ransik ruled the world and set up a base in the Middle East or something. 
But nah- it's Lynn. Tommy, Mutant Rangers, The Alliance of Evil, Astronema, Trakeena, and even the already mentioned flawed Ryan Mitchell, Diablolico story is his kind of style. 
Adaptation Decay, but the great kind.
But like "Countdown to Destruction," "The End of Time Part III"  just didn't register with me. A little bit now, but it had a bad reputation for me along the years.

However, there are some great Lynn moments I enjoy, whether directly influenced or not.
All of Carlos Vallertes' storylines such as injuring another soccer player in , injuring Cassie in "Another Chance," a man in love with Cassie who steals her diary, who we never see again.
Heck, I'll give him credit for Jason vs Tommy in "Fins and Needles," as campy as that was.
I'm not saying that it had to be a minor storyline and that was the only way to make it fit. Trakeeniot anybody?
But, Lynn has to clue in options early on in writing. I get that 40 episodes a year on a tight 12 hour schedule is tough, while Haim Saban is snoring on the set, but, you try...
I dunno.. Maybe, we'll even write it in as an auteur trope that Judd Lynn gets known for...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Haim Saban has a food fetish

Bulk and Skull
Pudgy Pig
Rita's Pita
Rocky just wants to have fun
Zack meets Angela on a Tommy-Kim double date at a French restaurant
A mystery dinner in ZEO.
Lt. Stone's
Kat having a weight issue vs Numbor.
Count Carlos at the Blood Bank.
Adelle Ferguson's

Next Mutation

Masked Rider
Dex bites a juice box
Ice Cream

Neo Saban:
I'd like to have a slice of pizza
Spike squirts OJ at Bulk
Barracuda Blade amigos!
Orion works there.
Fro Yo. Enough with the Fro Yo! Too much friggin Fro Yo!
Shelby drinks too much soda.
They work at a dinosaur restaurant.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge: Episode 6, "The Tooth Hurts" Review

This episode was really good considering that they shouldn't have adapted it at all. Thanks to the Judd Lynn and maybe even the director, the Rangers really made it seem like the monster was a threat.
They build it up in the beginning knowing that the audience may have watched Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, by making the monster of the week seem like he's not a serious threat. Even Sledge acknowledges his lack of concern for the monster till they indicate Fury's injuries. (Hopefully, that's not an insult to the Japanese bad guys.)
Anybody who's had a bad tooth, or watched John Schlesinger's Marathon Man knows how much of a hindrance it can be.
There's a logic to the character and it works on a level that even kids can understand. He wants to cause the end of the world through-
Cakes of EVIL!
It's such a good device to show the villain's evilness, despite it's campiness. Very good balance by the Saban team to add such a subtle use of humor to an over the top use of special effects violence.
The performance by the voice actor, unlike the Rangers, was pretty good, emphasizing this kind of mix. He's subtle enough in his humor not making a tooth pun like the Rangers, while having a stereotypical sadistic evil voice, possibly scarying the kid audience till the Rangers save the day.

Although.... something hurts alright.

Not being balanced was good, albeit done way too unsubtlely to really spell it out for the kids.
I still find Chase's humor annoying. You're not Jeff Bridges! You're not Ziggy Grover!
Also, we're going back to Power Rangers Samurai puns in the series as Tyler says, "Ain't it the tooth." This is really an example of how they're missing Jeff Bridges as the Dude, a really interesting character turned straight up annoying.

Also, I liked some of the improv they did the last episode. Reminded us these characters existed.
Tyler had nothing interesting to do; I guess they're getting all they need storyline wise from Koda's episode; Shelby did nothing till both did the acrobatics in the end.

The Keeper shows up again for no reason, but he's used well, even if I hate Zordon exposition.

Friday, March 13, 2015

They make Chase a dumbass and no sell it in Dino Charge Episode 5, "Breaking Black"

Did the humor in "Breaking Black" work?
Seriously. This was the only thing that really bothered me with this episode.
They did the serious drama in the series good so far. Heck, I would debate that they even do it right in Samurai and Megaforce.
But the humor is really what kills this like many neo-Saban series:
  • Mia's cooking
  • Tensou being mistaken for a suitcase, with no laugh track and all the characters no selling it
  • Kevin
  • We left home at home?!
A Maori fortune teller?
  1. how'd she get there?
  2. is this supposed to be funny?
  3. you expect a little kid watching NICKELODEON to figure out what a Maori fortune teller is? I don't know what that is. Maybe this is supposed to be some edutainment lesson, but it failed!
  4. Is this supposed to make fun of Maori people? Because if so, that's just darn ignorant and racist.
  5. Why does Chase and more importantly us the audience care about a object from someone who may/not be a Maori/parody? 
Chase is a Ziggy with bad humor aka Chase is a bad Ziggy, bad as in not proficient at being one.

I've never seen such a haphazard everyman. He sets the place on fire. He sleeps protecting something for a friend, and doesn't even bother locking the door.
Like Shelby's clumsy, but at least they set her up as some sort of Triceratops savant. What is Chase?

I just had a thought: maybe this is how Judd Lynn had wanted to write Chase, but director Charlie Haskell just wasn't able to pull it off. The dialogue and Chase's actions actually reveal a lot about his character if you ignore the awful direction they put his character: he's a guy who,

doesn't like his job,
is a millenial, wants to do fun stuff opposed to work as a janitor and undesirable, minimum wage, fast food person at the Dino Joint just trying to get by, who happens to be a Power Ranger!
It makes him very relatable, in how most people doing minimum wage jobs don't necessarily enjoy what they're doing, but are a part of this economic system which requires a lot of human labor either cuz of politics, economical reasons or Illuminati blah blah Illuminati.

Chase's character actually isn't very new for the series, albeit they could've cleaned up the kinks in the performance, whoever's fault that was.

As Ecoolarg mentioned, like Jack, he just "wanted to be a dude."

Judd Lynn has featured poor characters throughout his work. An example of an implied poor person, may be the bus driver in Episode 8 of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, where the man who wants to take a bus hostage is actually a man who was laid off from work as a bus driver. He then saves the day by doing a seemingly easy task by driving a bus, unknown to kids how difficult driving large vehicles is!

Chase also has a little Tommy in it, being a late, careless, "comical" character who happens to be a Dino Charge Black Ranger.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Prisoners' Director will helm Blade Runner sequel

I have issues with making a sequel for the film as I've stated multiple times.
I didn't even complain about Prometheus, because I thought it was really good having Engineers creat humans and other beings, having a God of humans destroy them, much like a god of robots get killed by his creation
But Ridley Scott always said he wanted the ending of Blade Runner to be ambigious as to whether Rick Deckard was a replicant.
And bringing back Harrison Ford without Sean Young was going to be a problem for that.

There were very few directors I think should actually direct this, beside Denis Villenueve. That I'll get into in a different article.
This is his first really big budget film. This can be a big impact as he's really hit hard for his films. He has vision. He makes art, not entertainment.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger looks pretty awesome based on Episode 2

I loved the substitution no jutsu the ninjas had in this episode. They were very plain effects done exceptionally well. I fear how Saban will screw up that effect, albeit I'm just expecting another Clan of the Claw, (not a bad thing at all!)
A kappa is interesting especially after American fans watched the Hellboy: Inu Yasha Thunder Brothers animation.

I'm also enjoying how the Shurikens are basically making every Sentai senshi an adaptation of Ace from Final Fantasy Type-0, not just being reliant on sword sabre attacks, but giving them a long range edge as well.

The close range fighting in this episode was also a lot more improved than the last one, which had too many abrupt cuts, but did have a good use of ninja bombs and shuriken explosions.

And the sumo ninja Kappa fight was awesome. Landing on the water was an awesome effect too.

I also enjoyed how any Ninninja can take over the Shurikenjin during a fight, leading to multiple possibilties.

I really hope they do something interesting if they're going to have a ninja master in the Power Rangers adaptation. Maybe he won't be as old. He probably won't be related.

What happened to Fuuka's hat? She had awesome clothes before! Now she's just a ninja! It really added to her personality in a way that Transmorphers 2 failed with one of its characters. In Transmorphers 2: Fall of Man, the clothes basically was the character, not having any other distinguishable traits for the actress to use, lacking a Kill la Kill clothes vs character dynamic. Or maybe the actress just wasn't talented.

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger's Ao Ninja senshi Yakkun is as yellow as a Tsubasa Banana.
Yakkun is the new Baron just as Chase is the new Micchy.

Gabi might be a big bad next episode, again reinforcing the Magiranger-like storyline started by having a teenager who went to England to learn magic, a MagiDragon homage, etc.. Yakkun after all does seem inspired by Tsubasa, the intelligent magician.
I really like Yakkun's character: he's smart, yet has some difficult getting along making him have a flaw. Also for detractors of the more young fan, less challenging approach, he makes the show have a bit of a challenge, something I might've misunderstood from the use of Baron in Kamen Rider Gaim.
They did a really good job establishing him as a contrast to Takkun this episode.
It'd be very interesting if they gave them an aspect of his character to explore regarding why he doesn't respect his family, (grandfather and Takkun,) why he doesn't have pride in their traditions, etc.. Maybe something happened to him on the mother's side or maybe he has some sort of anti-Japanese sentiment. It could be something interesting explored, although not required.
He has this zen element to him though. He's a bit of a realist, not allowing people's deaths, even his family's get in his way of accomplishing what he sought out to do. He has great concentration which the fans and family members should appreciate.

I do feel like cat face Kasumi sorta threw a Takkun's better than Yakkun storyline for no reason though, albeit Yakkun's reaction to that mattered.

Happy birthday, Gates McFadden

Labyrinth, dance choreographer
Moments of forbidden scientific romance such as that of:
"Encounter at Farpoint Station"
"The Best of Both Worlds" where she gives great empathy to the downed Captain Picard
"Remember Me" a world where she is separated from everyone else. Could've been darker, but interesting.
"Clues" she pulled off a great aspect of this mystery.
"The Host" Crusher falls for a Trill commander.
"Attached" You get the point
"Parallels" Crusher helps Worf

She was so popular that when she was replaced by Dr. Pulaski the second season, there was an uproar by the fans.
Her character,  Dr. Beverly Crusher's son, Wesley Crusher was based on Gene Roddenberry himself, to mixed results.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The 4 unlucky points of Power Rangers Dino Charge Episode 3

4 is an unlucky number in Chinese. So I'd like to establish the 4 unlucky points we encountered in episode 3 of Power Rangers Dino Charge.
1. Sledge killed the dinosaurs. Why do we care about the Keeper's powers? How do they work when he already had them killed? Maybe it's because they combined with the gems, but that's not what the Keeper was talking about. He's not like friggin Dimtria or anything. He's supposed to be spells everything out Zordon, that dumbass teenagers can listen to.

2. We had more Sledge and Keeper! WTF?! Why does anybody give a shit?

3 Why do we think he's a loner? He's supposed to be a standard hero's journey character. Not someone with some sort of mental deficiency.
He already worked with Shelby in the first episode. Maybe, he doesn't know because he didn't tell them, but let's not try and outthink the plot here, Mr. Neo Saban director! Let's not try that here in intro Episode 151!

4. Why do we care about them saving their secret identities when Sledge already saw them morph? And then they just drop it at the end of the episode. Like if Sledge knows, who is he going to report to that'll all of a sudden make them even in more danger. He's the big bad!

Power Rangers Dino Charge Episode 4 Review: Secret of the Caveman was long overdue for the series

Koda's a big problem for the series. He's sort of a second big hanging chad or whatever you call it for the series. An attempt to appeal to kids, without knowing what appeals to them.
However, this episode opened me up to the idea. Not surprising of course, since Judd Lynn wrote the episode.

The little brother thing was a bit too spelled out, but done well. We learned a lot about him in this episode, and I appreciated that from Lynn and his crew.
The comedy was a bit of a dunce, but had a purpose.
It was a good Koda episode after all, mixed with Tyler leading and good Megazord gattais, morphs armor, Dino Cycles and Koda catching an ENERGY cage with hands in the end. (Dino Gem bs FTW!)
The last episode had so much action, but not enough plot. I think this episode was a nice relief from that, despite a lot of character imbalances since the females were in the Dino Cave.
There was a ton more they could've had them do just by having them walk around or press a button opposed to talking on an "intercom."
But this was great. Exactly what I wanted from a Judd Lynn run series.
AND NO FRIGGIN KEEPER! (Write him off for all I care!)

Nitpick: Why does he not have problems with the jeep that he was in in Episode 1? This development should've been included earlier, if they were going to decide to go that route. THEY DID!
Now he's freaking out about the sprinklers?

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A list of shitty dark stuff worse than James Van Der Beek and Katee Sackhoff's Power/Rangers

Birth of a Nation What a place to start. A minority being portrayed poorly leading to many deaths.
Team America: World Peace Another minority being portrayed poorly leading to propaganda.
Japanese people that kill people over dancing spots cough cough Kamen Rider Baron

Tropic Thunder: It was comedy where the darkness didn't make any sense and it wasn't funny.
Hunger Games: What a waste of time watching this.
Battle Royale: Too much marketing, too cheap the effects.
Human Centipede: I or II?
United 93: Exploited 9/11
The Interview: The movie exploited American fears. The marketing did way worse.
Katie Vick: HHH and WWE and the McMahons think having sex with a dead body is a good storyline. And comical! The beginning of the end with WWE.
JBL: A Republican becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion after jobbing the night before. WWE pisses everybody off and gets ratings.
Vince McMahon wrestles God. Wins by countout. Top quality writing there. And sacrilegious
Vince McMahon stages his own death in storyline prior to Eddie Guerrero's actual death.
WWE gives Rey Mysterio the belt to cash in on Eddie Guerrero's death. Chris Benoit later commits double-murder suicide.
WWE now: Even when they finally give the belts to someone people care about, they're booed, because of how many rightfully unpopular decisions they've made the past two years that've lost them money and audience. Twilight: It just fucking sucks and wastes time.
Neo Saban: I meant that for Neo Saban
The Last Tango in Paris: Marlon Brando rapes someone in real life for the film. Give Bernardo Bertolucci the Oscar!
Caligula: an entire crew died of cancer, because Howard Hawks was too unconcerned for their health to make a film where John Wayne played Genghis Khan

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Sub (OT) Analysis: Aka Ninja

Boy Aka Ninja's acting is sorta even worse than Jayden Shiba's but on purpose.
He no sold his family's dojo blowing up as if it was nothing, but not even in a way where he was cold, calculating and didn't care. He just pretended it didn't happen.
I like the Shurikens and the attacks with CGI. The actual attacks didn't look as cool. I hope they come up with a lot more creative ideas on what they can do with the Shurikens.
They can spin like the Samurai Spinners in Samurai Sentai Shinkenger which is a good start. They're also good for long ranged attacks.
He's also not that bright, being unable to communicate with even his fellow family members a la the Dude.

And that's where they set you up.
The Big Lebowski works on so many levels opposed to just the seemingly juvenile humor which is actually really well crafted, in addition to political, masculinity, etc. commentary.
Aka Ninja is actually the most experienced, skilled, trained, fearless and a lot we admire about fellow humans: strengths, in addition to flaws.
Sure, with Toei, there's always the part where they may overplay the stupid parts a la Akaza Ban Ban, but they have more experience now and may play a little more with that, opposed to overpreaching the lacking strength of the Red Ranger.

Left the world to train, possibly explaining his foreign accent.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode 1 Raw Review

I'm a bit worried, a bit excited about Aka Ninja. He's brave, but he has an alienating accent, which more understanding people will let go. Teleportation and substitution are interesting.
I'm not sure if he runs into fights, because he's dumb or because he's brave. Maybe a combination! (And cuz it's a Super Sentai show!)

Ao Ninja is the foreign one.
Ki Ninja is the sporty aggressive one.
Shiroi is the wimp, made fun of, who really likes her dad and grandpa.
Momo is the opposite of Shiroi.

They have a good Magiranger dynamic to them. It hasn't been used in a while, so it's a good use.

I like how they don't start off as (at least uniformed) ninjas and family's a strength they have.

I'm also sorta wondering if this show is supposed to be a parody of Power Rangers Samurai:
  • The main character's ADR is awful.
  • They use basically the same Samurai Sword holsters, except they're some sort of unorthodox use of a Shuriken around a ninja sword.
I like the use of the green screen effects for the camoflague-jutsu.
I like how Shurikens are used for multiple variations of attacks including turning an inanimate object into a bad guy a la Lord Zedd.

The bad villainess is like that Tekken character.

GoGo V/Magiranger mom plot device here somewhere.

The preschool drawings of the ninjas are well done, but it's not really clicking for me. I imagine some fans really thinking the ninja theatrics like when I first saw the Hurricaneger theatrics. So, we'll see.

I'm also hoping the Ninningers can henshin into their mecha forms.

I find it unfair Aka Ninja has a chair, while the rest have to stand, but at least the suit actors can switch costumes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Half Theory: The ToQgers are from the kids' Imagination

In Ressha Sentai ToQger, the term "imagination" has been thrown around a lot. But there hasn't been a lot of CGI or any effects like that that would have fans imagining the ToQgers using their Imagination a lot. Instead of humanoid monsters, you figured they would've created 20 leg, thousand eye monsters against each other. Then again, maybe their imagination isn't that good. As I stated in the Mighty Morphin ToQgers article, Ressha Sentai ToQger may be a play on the topics that kids learn in preschool, parodying that of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' nonsense lessons.
In addition, as I've said before, not all sci fi/fantasy genre films rely that heavily on effects to turn into imagination classics. One great example of this is the Stanley Kubrick classic, the Shining, which probably influenced Yasuko Kobayashi in her approach as I am about to mention.

The ToQgers were formed by passes the kids drew, which turns them into the ToQgers. While playing at a tree, possibly like one at a school, they form the idea of the ToQgers and act it out in their imagination. The kids turn into adult versions of themselves at a literal crossroads of their lives turning whatever they could into a Super Sentai, in this case, their commute, their Ressha.

The ToQger suits are of low level design, not too fancy, requiring a little bit of imagination to fully enjoy them in the series. This design was possibly made from a design of a little kid, (a little with a lot of money of course, but a little kid nonetheless!)
On the surface, Ressha Sentai ToQger is a series that little kids could've made up, with little fanfictiony ideas of how light and dark work.
And then of course, there's the entire theory ShadowDoguso has about how light and dark are pretty arbitrary with pretty much everybody in the world meeting in the middle as seen with of course the kids' imaginary friends Zedd and Zaram, who complete the ToQgers rainbow arc, (not to mention Yami ToQ Ichigo.) Many adults have absolutist theories about light vs the dark in what could be perceived as something quite sinister propaganda which is brought down through generations, much like that of the tales of the Shining, which could be the subtle message that famed tokusatsu writer Yasuko Kobayashi has entailed in such toku as:
Mirai Sentai Timeranger, with:
  • a brutal policewoman as TimePink,
  • the racially and class biased TimeFire.
Kamen Rider Ryuki,
  • with even a serial killer the audiences can root on for their goals
  • and a character whose ideals are tested by people's objectives for world peace
Kamen Rider OOO,
  • where all the characters go from good guys to losing control
  • and bad guys make turns as well
and Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: the ending

Also, Zedd and Zaram both begin with Z and could be forms of make believe IMAGINATIONary friends, made from their IMAGINATION.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 Episodes 8, "A Brush With Destiny" rant

Episode 8: A Brush With Destiny:
What do everyday Americans love?
What do they hate?

Maybe someone from France pissed off Saban or something.

But that dude's not as pissed as I am!

According to Wikipedia, (because Shit! I'm not watching a terrible episode of Season 3!) Kimberly has a nightmare about going to Paris. Wikipedia doesn't explain why she has it or even if she's going to Paris, (SHE ISN'T) and
According to Wikipedia, Finster creates a device for Zedd and Rita to go inside Kimberly's dreams to create a monster.

Seriously, what the fuck?!

Who the fuck would want to go into Kimberly's dream to create a monster?

You couldn't go into Tommy's? The dude that friggin isn't pseudo damsel in distress? MMA guy? Tattoos? Comes up with ideas like putting a ginormous Australian fly in his friend's sandwich or farting in Rocky's face? The dude who friggin pulls his pants down whenever he sees mistletoe?
No, you pick Kimberly, where you already made a shitty idea of making a purse and lipstick monster. (Well, it worked later on, but that was Kat's purse. How that would've worked I have no idea... Some bullshit about a more powerful staff.)

Well, they made a float monster I guess...

So after already establishing that part of the plan is stupid, you create a monster from somebody's dream:
Zordon! Wake up Kimberly! Tell her, she saw something I can't say about Tommy! Don't let Zedd make the damn monster you stupid time warp shit.
Again, rules about the viewing globe are absolute bullshit.

Also, why doesn't Zedd or Rita create their own device? They're friggin people with real magic. I guess they're lazy shits.

So, they're not creative enough to make up their own monster, but go along with one of the worst plans I've ever heard in any media's history.

So Kimberly has to overcome her fear of France to save the day.
Which isn't really a fear of France, since she doesn't go there ever in the series, possibly even in both Power Rangers and real life!
Maybe she takes French as a foreign language at Angel Grove High.
Whose curriculum consists of Show and Tell prior to getting into college.
No wonder Lord Zedd hates you guys.
Artist Mole doesn't even speak French.
He doesn't even do real or fake French things.

So Kimberly's entire fear of Artist Mole, are his lousy drawings and a fear of a French accent.
I am Kimberly's worst fear.
And on that note I end.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3: Ninja Quest rant

If they had Remastered Season 3, people would've rightfully complained of Saban taking too much from Ninja Sentai Kakuranger.

I'd like to include the really great Masked Rider-Power Rangers teamup,

So onto Ninja Quest:
Shitty version of the shitty movie where you replace hot chick with Ninjor.
The Ninjas aren't Ninjetti.
The Tengus are Tengas.
Which are a symbol of everything wrong with this season.
They 1987 Cannoned the effects a la Superman IV and Jaws: The Revenge, by not having Japanese footage and giving the US cast a cheap budget.
The friggin Desert of Despair is just the friggin place where the Rangers found Zordon, and Kirk fought the Gorn.
Sure, as a kid I didn't understand WHY I didn't like this scene.
Oh wait, I did-
It was cheap!
You ripped the script of people who didn't know anything about Power Rangers.

Rito Revolto looks nothing like Rita Repulsa.
Their names aren't spelled right, a la Final Fantasy IX's Eiko Carol-Amarant Coral theory.
At least they didn't give the Alien Rangers the cool zords.

1/25/15: Ninpuu Sentai Hurricanger 1 Review: Go Hufflepuffs!

I love this episode. There's a million effects involved reminding me of the times when Machiko Soga uses the giant illusion.
There's a great use of not only special effects but athleticism as well as the stunt/actors do a whole bunch of stunts to demonstrate the powers, immerse you in a world of the supernatural, fantasy, and ninjas. I always imagine a Hurricanger-Magiranger teamup just because of how both teams deal with the elements.
We feel empathetic towards the main characters, because they aren't the best, have flaws, yet have this bit of Tarantino luck that they are the ones to save the world.
There's a lot of basic Hero's Journey stuff here like rejecting the call.

And it's awesome branding there for each ninja clan. If they had more clans, I'd either buy costumes for all of them or cosplay as the most random one. HUFFLEPUFF. Heck, they practically are here

And there's a wonderful BBC Quarry shot with all of the current Jakanja there. It must've been awesome to be in Japan to see the debut of the Hurricanger poses live. (Or maybe they're bored in comparison to all the other ninja media they see. I dunno...)

What a great start to a series!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

ToQger episode 45 possibilties

Wow. What an epic choice for the ending of a fairly challenging tokusatsu.

I foreshadowed Right being a Yami in the beginning. I figured it out the moment I saw him starting in the Shadow Line.
And Right is becoming quite a villain.
He's made two turns now, not to mention that little detail of eating the hungry campers' food early on when there was a famine.

Zedd alluded to having a connection to not only Right's shine, but Pleiades Shore and their memories.
Is one or both of them lying when they say they don't remember anything?
Zedd also alluded to an earlier scene referring to how Zedd and Right can't defeat each other.

Maybe the kid's and Zedd's memories of Pelaides' Shore is fake. (Yasuko Kobayashi is a big fan of the Matrix.) A symbol of a dream, an end to a journey, or propaganda, such as the American dream or an idea like Communism, a philosophy that motivates a group of people.
Maybe Right's Zedd or vice versa. He practically is now, having combined their powers into a SHINING Yami. It would also explain them sharing a memory.
Maybe Zedd is Right's parent. Or long lost pen pal's cousin or something.
Maybe Zedd will complete the Rainbow Line being the Purple member.

Missing from the original Power Rangers: Ninja Storm script

We here at Toku Heroes have found remanants of the original Power Rangers: Ninja Storm pilot, just in time for the release of Shuriken Sentai Nin-ninja
Here it is.

How's it going Zack?
I dunno! You read to go to the motorcycle Monster Truck rally?
Only if you're ready for some donuts!
Hold it dude! You gotta stop!
Yeah that donut talk has got me hungry!
You know what that's time for right?!
Some In N Out across from that Carl Jr's dude!
But we're going to need some desert to go with that!
Don't you know?
What dude?
In N Out comes out with its own milkshakes, vanilla and chocolate, dude!

Dude, why are you talking like that?
Talking like what?
Why are you talking like that for?
Cuz we're from big Ca, dude!
Dude, I'm from So Cal too. I sound like.

Time to race these bikers on the side walk without running over the pedestrians!
Isn't it a bit easier when you have a bike vs a monster truck!?
Like isn't fair dude!
I'm going to go smoke a schooobie!
You're going to kill a non-Californian?!
No, I'm going to smell a MJ
You're going to sniff Michael Jordan's butt! He's not that handsome in those Hanes' commercials dude! Not to mention, we're Lakers fans!
Yeah, dude! If you're watching, that means Kobe, not the Los Angeles Dodger! The American pastime is in the past!
Yeah! Time to do it in shitty Disneyland!
Dude! There's a non-smoking section in Disneyland!
Not to mention, I think it's illegal.
Yeah, dude! We can get fired or something!

The End

Kamen Rider Drive 10 Analysis: Christmas Special, Japanese RPM (!), Mega Man, camera set up

Ruining Christmas is symbolized somewhat poetically, definitely visually by turning off Christmas lights. I didn't really get an Eyes Wide Shut feeling from this, but there was an establishment of secrets being revealed in the episode. Gifts unwrapped perhaps? A deglorification of the hero's celebration with the lights being shut off?

Professor Banno creating evolving androids.
Heart killing Professor Banno who made Krim Sleighbelt.
When they stopped evolving, he started using Core Drivers for Roidmudes. Core powers for Tridoron and Drive.
Together they were Alphabet Soup, further engrainiating this as a RPM show. Mr. Belt is basically Dr. K.

There's also a bit of a Mega Man feel to this again.
Proto-Drive is sort of this Mega Man/Proto Man/Zero figure with scientists creating a humanoid anthropomorphic robot to fight other robots.

Interesting cinematography notes
I understand that mainly they use soap opera shots, cutting between a camera on each character, but one interesting choice is to have Heart and his scary presence as a small part of a shot between him and Drive.
Maybe it's to have the audience concentrate on Drive's reactions or Heart's acting using his mannerisms and voice.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Kamen Rider Drive Episode 5-6 would've made Shotaro Ishinomori and Judd Lynn proud

What I really enjoy about the Judd Lynn and Shotaro Ishinomori toku is the theme of corruption.

Ecliptor's good. Astronema's Andros' brother. Frax was a good guy trying to create good before being turned into a weapon of evil. Dr. K and Alphabet Soup.

In Cyborg 009, Black Ghost initially captured the original Cyborgs to form weapons against humanity. Being a weapons dealer, he was a profiteer that exploited human fears to his own power in the forms of other weapons.

This arc is very similar to a Shotaro Ishinomori arc.

A naive Kamen Rider obeys the rules of an underling government entity such as the police prior to becoming manipulated by corrupt government figures exploiting the police department's authority into protecting an explosives company from transporting their goods.

Chase/r warns Drive of this and man's inability to be trusted. Shinnosuke still believes in the good in humanity and saves the day.

But is he right and is he too much on the defense in regards to stopping these manners?

That's the interesting thing to debate.

The note I'll end on is regarding Mr. Belt's explanation of a scientists prior to the episode 10 explanation of his/its own background. He describes Nobel's quest to benefit mankind with dynamite, such as for construction purposes, creating wonders, tunnels, economic benefits for nations, cities, towns and towns, only for it to be seen exploited in the world for mass destruction, a term used for 9/11, a term used for describing horrors of every day.
Nobel is praised for his Peace prize and achievement in science, and fame, and intellect.
But is he really just a person rewritten in history as having done a great thing, by the many that control the world?

It remains to be seen who is manipulating Shinnosuke and the police in Drive as mentioned by Chase/r, as it is for conspiracy theorists to figure out how people manipulate the world.