Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Power Rangers Dino Charge: Episode 6, "The Tooth Hurts" Review

This episode was really good considering that they shouldn't have adapted it at all. Thanks to the Judd Lynn and maybe even the director, the Rangers really made it seem like the monster was a threat.
They build it up in the beginning knowing that the audience may have watched Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger, by making the monster of the week seem like he's not a serious threat. Even Sledge acknowledges his lack of concern for the monster till they indicate Fury's injuries. (Hopefully, that's not an insult to the Japanese bad guys.)
Anybody who's had a bad tooth, or watched John Schlesinger's Marathon Man knows how much of a hindrance it can be.
There's a logic to the character and it works on a level that even kids can understand. He wants to cause the end of the world through-
Cakes of EVIL!
It's such a good device to show the villain's evilness, despite it's campiness. Very good balance by the Saban team to add such a subtle use of humor to an over the top use of special effects violence.
The performance by the voice actor, unlike the Rangers, was pretty good, emphasizing this kind of mix. He's subtle enough in his humor not making a tooth pun like the Rangers, while having a stereotypical sadistic evil voice, possibly scarying the kid audience till the Rangers save the day.

Although.... something hurts alright.

Not being balanced was good, albeit done way too unsubtlely to really spell it out for the kids.
I still find Chase's humor annoying. You're not Jeff Bridges! You're not Ziggy Grover!
Also, we're going back to Power Rangers Samurai puns in the series as Tyler says, "Ain't it the tooth." This is really an example of how they're missing Jeff Bridges as the Dude, a really interesting character turned straight up annoying.

Also, I liked some of the improv they did the last episode. Reminded us these characters existed.
Tyler had nothing interesting to do; I guess they're getting all they need storyline wise from Koda's episode; Shelby did nothing till both did the acrobatics in the end.

The Keeper shows up again for no reason, but he's used well, even if I hate Zordon exposition.

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