Sunday, October 26, 2014

Power Rangers Zeo "It Came From Angel Grove" is actually a predecessor to Kamen Rider Decade and other stuff

Let's start with some asides,
This episode was a lot of fun, with tons of extras and production stages, replicated again for when they are shown when Adam watches It Came From Hackensack.
It's hilarious when the werewolf jumps in the bush.

From what you know of It Came From Hackensack is that it is an ensemble movie monster episode. There's no reference to the Jason David Frankenstein monster in Mighty Morphin, yet it is interesting how he becomes a vampire monster this episode.
And they convert back to color when encounter the Wizard of Oz, just like in Victor Fleming's 1939 film, the inspiration for Zordon.
And he wakes up as if they were all there like in the Wizard of Oz.
Also, in 1939, they would consider the Wizard of Oz a horror film, just because it had a witch in it, albeit witches weren't that popular in horror films, notably in the Michael Myers lacking, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch.

The episode uses characters based on characters in the show, to create a dream-like logic.
Tomecula is obviously named after Tommy,
Cat is a black cat or Valencia, like her villainous persona in the 3rd season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, possibly named after a Australian area island.
Rocky is Lord Henry/Harry, like his Blue Ninja Ranger Power self, a wolf.
Tanya is the Bride of Hackensack.
Billy is Baron von Hackensack
Lt. Stone the Burgermeister
Zordonicus and Zordon
Destroying Zordon and the Earth
Adam's potential for evil.
They are either acknowledged as two different characters or some sort of Invasion of the Body Snatchers conspiracy, much like the AR Riders.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers "Life's a Masquerade" Moments

Since it's Halloween season, I'd decide to share with you my favorite moments from a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' "Life's a Masquerade."

I really like the soundtrack. It's classic 80s horror, in addition to orchestral. This episode should have its own soundtrack.

Billy predicts that the Frankenstein Monster is Tommy.
Yeah, Billy, you smart alec, it's not Tommy.

They really needed red eyes for the Frankenstein Monster.

The clown architecture at Ernie's is very interesting.

The super putty is interesting too.

Zordon you dumb moment:
He lets Tommy get captured by putties in plain sight.

Followed by Rita dumb moment:
Letting the putties not distract Tommy more as the Rangers are almost defeated by the Frankenstein Monster.

Followed by another Zordon smart alec moment:
Zordon knows that Tommy's done fighting the putties, so he doesn't contact him till after he's done holding them off, knowing that Tommy and the Rangers are in trouble!

MMPR Season 2: "The Monster Mash" Analysis

"Hey Ernie. Have you seen Jason, Zack and Trini?" Kimberly says in a sweet manner.
"No. I guess they're still with that group in the elementary school."

What happened to Tommy?
Let's contact him but not the other Rangers!

"What about the others?"
"They're still with the children. There's nobody else they can leave with them."
But you just said that all the children were accounted for!

This is one of the most shady episodes in Power Rangers history.
They fired the original 3 Power Rangers, while setting up a bunch of Halloween props this episode where they probably could've paid the staff with.
AJ and David try their best to give a proper sendoff.
They don't discuss the problems of having childhood friends in distant places pre-internet.
They just worry about their dumbass Haim Saban Power Rangers team.
And then Tommy shows up discussing how he dropped of Jason, Zack and Trini after Jason David Frank basically replaced and fired them!
And the episode has multiple kids dressed up as Power Rangers, when Austin, Thuy and Walter are off screen, being written off!

Robogoat, one of Tommy's archnemeses is beaten up by a non-Japanese footage Kimberly for some odd reason. If it was a Jason only nemesis, I would understand, but he isn't.

Jason, Trini and Zack show up.
"Hey Tommy!" is the only word any of them (Jason) says this episode.

In the end of the episode, they save on the budget so much, just by having them only Pumpkin Rapper, in what really could've been an epic battle, considering how Pumpkin Rapper was not the only monster who was resurrected by Key and Gravestone.
You don't stand a ghost of a chance! What is with people and that saying?
And there's a random scene where it cuts to Kimberly saying, "Balls!"

"The Power Rangers probably have the ability to shrink."
Which they do when they grow in ZEO or
When they get shrunk by Divatox in Turbo,
Contrast to when Justin grows.

Also as awesome as the song fight is during a fight scene, the song uses multiple plural nouns during the film, subliminally making fans think there's more Rangers than there actually are.

Also, I don't get the point of firing the 3 (in case you didn't notice!)
You set up an entire new Halloween set for this episode with like 50 voice actors for like the monsters used this episode.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Power Rangers Super Megaforce, Vrak is Back Part 1 is a shitty rushed piece of ca-ca

"You either die the hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
You figure being called Dark Robo Knight something like that would've came across. But no. No references to that at all, despite making a RoboCop reference previously.
And he's sort of become Christopher Nolan's, Harvey Two-Face being brainwashed by the Joker in a tense scene.
But no-
We get no shit.

It looks like it was originally supposed to be at least 3 parts, and Gosei Blue was the main character.
Noah again noncharacteristically from last season, but characteristically from this season. And then they give him practically no lines!

Why do they motherfucking keep giving Troy lines?
It's a fucking Noah episode footage wise. Exposition wise it's another villains episode. Who cares if he's the Red Ranger? He's not leading. He's not the heart of the time in this situation. He doesn't even bother fighting Vrak this episode.
He doesn't do anything important this episode.
He's not the smart guy. He's not delivering good takes. Let someone else deliver lines.
The episode has Orion being drained
The episode has Robo Knight turn bad.
Troy used to have Robo Knight moments at the beginning of the season?
Any connection?!
Except we have a reference to Troy's Dream since he's on the bus like in the first episode of Megaforce.
Happy Halloween!

One good line I enjoyed this episode that they completely throw away is how Noah is a science person and how Vrak wants to turn him to the dark side.
They're obviously never going to do that with him, but at least they showed creativity when creating that line.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Taking back what I said about Dino Thunder

A lot of what happened in Dino Thunder didn't work for me. These are the points that didn't, which I'll eventually explain a year later in another article, but I'll explain why they appeal to fans for now.
Another Tommy ship with a woman whose age they don't establish (although it doesn't really matter in Power Rangers Hollywood)
The Anton Mercer storyline has elements of in Space, Time Force, and Blade Runner, but sorta trivializes the corporate matters of the show, possibly due to Disney actually caring whether a corporation can look bad, something Michael Eisner probably did not want to show to his friends.
Conner isn't likeable and there's not really a reason for it, unlike what Toei does with Takumi in Faiz, and that should appeal to "anti-Disney" Disney fans who want an edge to their characters.
Kira can sing.
Ethan's a nerdy guy, whose a bit darker than Billy dealing with a bully that he's actually afraid of.
They have cool powers.
Trent is the new Tommy and Disney never capitalized on it.

This show attempted to mix Time Force with Mighty Morphin and it didn't quite work for me. Disney never seemed to be G1 Saban fans, but we should appreciate them for their individuality and image unlike G2 Saban.

The Dairanger-Gorma empathy

I'm not a biggest fan of this series, although I think the beginning an excellent followup to previous series:
You have the Traitor storyline right after the classic Burai storyline, showing that the tale's a bit inspired by Japanese pop culture of the 1980s with characters such as Char Aznable, Hakaider, etc..
You have the Japanese youths mimicking that of the tropes that had defined Jetman, Turboranger, etc..

Dairinryuu was a great addition to the series, being such a big bad toy that probably inspired Dark Spectre later on, showing how all living creatures are part of a universe and how we should take care of it, (ignoring whenever the scientific end of the Universe is)
There's a bit of some plot holes with the Master Kaku and Gorma revelation storyline, but again, that was thematically powerful with the rest of the show with the Traitor storyline, giving the Dairangers a bit of a connection to Gorma in the show like the Baka Gorma and Jin did.

And Kou is also a reflection of being a bad kid like Shouji who is obviously modeled after 80s Japanese and even US punks like Yu Yu Hakusho's Kuwabara. That connection brings him close to his twin brother and family associated with Gorma.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

My favorite character from Cisco Davis Jr's Teenagers With Attitudes


What made her stick out from most fans was that she was a pretty pink annoying and smart valley girl.
This incarnation of Kimberly is different. Her character challenges audiences, but is done first class. She's realistically written smart. She's rich, but opportunistic, really turning into a character instead of being one. She's not a valley girl trope and is instead, a valedictorian, selfish, female.
I would like to see her do the underly overdone cliche of becoming a misinterpretation of media, leading to the downfall of the Rangers, or possibly having a hand in keeping their identities secret using media.

My Power Rangers Super Megaforce, "All Hail Prince Vekar" opinion reminds me of my Batman and Robin

"You know what killed the dinosaurs?" "The Ice Age!"
I grew up in the 90s. Arnold Schwarzenegger was in.
Those films are a lot of fun. I love that type of stuff. I wish he would yell that out everytime I see Commando.

By the time the 2000s got here though, people got sick of Arnie

People hate Batman and Robin.
They treat it like the plague.
They treat it as the worst thing since 3D.
I recently watched it and enjoyed it.

Yeah for no apparent reason, they like the Avengers which is just as self-indulgent and mindless.

Speaking of which, why did I like this episode of Power Rangers Super Megaforce, by the way?

Because my mind was thrown out the window.

After a wonderful vacation, post that terrible thing known as "The Perfect Storm," I got back to analyzing episodes completely throwing out the my critical mind out the window.
As much as I enjoyed the episode, audiences watching "All Hail Prince Vekar" probably react to the episode with the same amount of pain Bane and Batman felt in the Dark Knight Rises in a pit where they, paralyzed and unable to escape were stuck watching Batman and Robin! The jokes weren't cringeworthy and followed a certain logic, but at least Arnold did his most Arnoldyist! Vekar says a bunch of sentences that are from a joke book, but it's as if the voice actor is reading them off the page opposed to performing them in front of an audience.
Furthermore, the episode has to do with the themes of death and family, like in Batman and Robin with Alfred's death and sons not listening to fathers while wanting to prove something.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce, "All Hail Prince Vekar" should've been a villains centric episode

I don't like Man of Steel.
I don't like the Dark Knight Rises
I don't like the Amazing Spider-Man
I don't like the Avengers.
2012, really sucked.
At least it didn't have Power Rangers Super Megaforce!
They have their positives, while Super Megaforce had them then completely destroyed their valiant efforts.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce, "All Hail Prince Vekar" sucks, but doesn't matter due to lowered standards

Jason Smith seemed like he was basically told to write down whatever the production crew told him to do, but do what he can with the dialogue.
And he tried his best!
With some help from Judd Lynn, we will hopefully see some better work.

Vekar's "jokes" still suck, not being serious enough to be cool or campy enough to be hilarious.
You really appreciate both the Japanese and American voice actor for Damaras on this show, since:

  1. The Japanese voice actor just blows the American's performance way out of the park
  2. The American voice actor worked with what he could in such a short time span and with such an incompetent ADR director. In spite of all the trials and tribulations he went through, he made it across to youngsters that Vekar's life is in danger and that he cares for his Prince, given some sort of possible brainwashing or propaganda that led him to this state. It's quite powerful storytelling given what the show should not have and reaches above expectations, even if it does seem like a bad Power Rangers Samurai copy and paste, (It's just the state of things we're at now.)
Vekar is able to appeal to the VERY FEW of those who buy into his humor, while at the same time conveying some sort of giving him a western adaptation of an underdog role. It really should've been a two part episode, but oh well. It also would've been interesting if Vekar was given a line of respect for Troy being leader of the Power Rangers Super Megaforce or condemning him for it, given the nature of the episode being "adapted" into being an episode about failure, accomplishment, and honor, one of the very lessons that the father series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was about. That would've been something interesting I would've played around with and definitely could've been done.
Oh and Troy dies and nobody cares.

Power Rangers Super Megaforce, "All Hail Prince Vekar" sucks, but doesn't matter due to lowered standards

Troy nearly dies.
His bad takes still survive.
All of us cry.

Random RPM powers!

Noah fights Argus to the death after what seems to be Mighty Morphin Power Rangers teleportation without the effects!
Noah all of a sudden is a master swordsman again! I hated it in the first half of the season, but "The Perfect Storm" lowered the standard so much that I really don't care anymore.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Top 10 Most Wanted Guests for Power Morphicon 2016

10 Tattooed aliens
9 Mystic knights
8 Dex
7 MMPR Film
6 Michael Bacon and Sarah Brown
5 Chroma Squad
4 Jetman
3 Zyurangers
2 Burai
1 Real Power Rangers

Top Power Morphicon 2014 guests

6 Worth keeter
5 Jeff Pruitt
4 Ssss guests
3 Brad Hawkins
2 Austin St. John
1 Yuta Mochizuki

Is Yasuko Kobayashi at her peak?

Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Stardust Crusaders of all arcs, the arc that was made famous in the 1980s OVA
Attack on Titan, the cult, Walking Dead-ish hit
Ressha Sentai ToQger

Give her the next Kamen Rider, Ultraman and a live action adaptation of an anime as well too to make her complete!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

My favorite Harry Potter movies

  1. The Prisoner of Azkaban
  2. The Deathly Hallows Part 1
  3. The Deathly Hallows Part 2
  4. The Goblet of Fire

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The 15th Anniversary to Fight Club: My first reaction

This film really hit me as I was personally and cinematically growing. When I first became a film critic in 2011, I was doing a review for Moneyball and The Tree of Life and analyzed Pitt's performances throughout his career. A major standout for me was Fight Club. Granted, Palahniuk and Fincher helped made the film become as classic as it did, but Pitt's presence as a jack of all trades, actor, producer and media superstar helped bring my attention to this film.
My first reaction to this was the anti-establishment, anti-Western themes of anti-religion, anti-government, anti-law and society. It really blows you away with those themes much like the Matrix did the same year. (I'm really glad my cousins had both DVDs in their house!)
Fight Club established a fraternity among men in the US. Religious men, right wing men, conservative men, manly men, womanly men, Transexual men. Men who are heterosexual, but have lost their sexual appetite because their hormones are up to speed. The rise of Phen-Phen and Viagra. Sports: Wrestling, Boxing, Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Other Jiu Jitsu.
The Napoleonic and Anti-Disney Princess uprising of the 1990s.
White leaders trying to transform the minds of white men in times of the Unabomber and Middle Eastern terror threats thanks to United States President and Capitol Hill cohort establishments.
The US foreign policy that got them in trouble in 2001 that led to even more deaths in the Middle East. The narrator also does what Tyler does, but doesn't understand it, nor comprehend it.
Fight Club is also a tale of the mentally ill that run and ruin our lives. Prisoners, such as Tyler Durden getting a pass. (Also not to mention that the Narrator is Tyler Durden's prisoner.) 
"Our fathers were our models to God. If our fathers failed, what does that tell you about God? (Listen to me) You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you, never wanted you. In all probability, he probably hates you. We don't need him. F*** damnation. F*** redemption. We are Gods unwanted children. So be it." "First you gotta know that someday you're going to die. It's only after we lost everything that we're free to do anything." The multiple uses of the narrator and his perception of Tyler Durden as a religious, government and societal Jesus figure, especially through the lye torture, in the middle of his lying. The role of the job in post modern society. The scariness of sanity and religion conflicting in the 1990s, much like religion in There Will Be Blood. Having religious figures work on accidents vs statistics and making those decisions while being in a part of religion. The use of making people feel powerful with power or even counterpower to make oneself feel even more powerful than them.
I had this idea that people never wanted to be themselves, but wanting to be somebody else, like a dictator or a rockstar or a billionaire. That was what the false American dream had turned to be and look at how Tyler Durden and Project Mayhem and turned into, ruining that promise.
And I really did not get the ending, which I think is why producers didn't want to present this film in addition to the bad depictions of credit lenders, Ikea and Starbucks.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Best of the Green Ranger

Jason David Frank may embarass the fans sometimes, but sometimes his acting comes through.
  1. The Green Dream: Plays the future and fear aspects way better than Green No More.
  2. Fins and Needles: Great Jason vs Tommy fight scenario
  3. Gung Ho: Opposite of Fins and Needles
  4. The Power Stealer: A Tommy losing powers scenario
  5. The Beetle Invasion: Same
  6. The Song of Guitardo: Tommy and Kim episode
  7. Football Season: Tommy fights one of his toughest opponents with the Rangers almost gone: Touchdown!
  8. The Spit Flower: Another one of the most difficult fights for the Rangers. Tommy helps out a bunch
  9. Mighty Morphin Mutants: It's Mutant Time!
  10. The Green Candle Part 2: Walter Emmanuel Jones does a good job setting up the idea that Tommy could die. Saban Brands adds to their legacy.
  11. The Mutiny Part 2: 
  12. Return of an Old Friend Part 2
  13. Doomsday Part 2
  14. Two Heads are Better Than One
  15. The Mutiny Part 1
  16. The Green Candle Part 1
  17. Green With Evil Part 2
  18. Green With Evil Part 4
  19. The Trouble With Shellshock
  20. An Oyster Stew

Monday, October 6, 2014

Top Saban franchises that need a movie

The Power Rangers in Space-Next Mutation teamup
Yesterday Again (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue)
Lost Galaxy
Jungle Fury
Time Force
Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog
Power Rangers in Space
Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers (They have to redo that awful ending to one of the best loved series in the world.)
Chase into Space
RPM with Eddie Guzelian writing
VR Troopers
Masked Rider (really no one really remembers this show. Only fans of Saban hate this show. It can be reboot and done really well especially after the critical success of Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight)
Super Megaforce (done well.) It doesn't matter if there's a normal Megaforce mode or if Ultra is better than Super, (albeit it is in the franchise's continuity and nothing's changed.)
The Zordon Era
Masked Rider-Power Rangers in a Countdown to Destruction scenario Furbus Megazord!
All Saban franchises in a Countdown to Destruction scenario
Decade-Super Megaforce teamup (For those who don't know Decade is the original version of Super Megaforce, but with Kamen Rider.)
Masked Rider Warriors-Power Rangers
All Saban franchises in Countdown to Destruction scenario Z
Masked Rider Warriors-The original Power Rangers pre-Teens with Attitudes
Saban-Dic teamup
Green With Evil
Saban-Disney teamup Super Megaforce with Jack Sparrow. Operation Overdrive with Cinderella
Saban-Disney-Marvel teamup
Saban-Disney-Marvel-Star Wars teamup Imagine:
Saban-Disney-Marvel-Star Wars-DC teamup Imagine: Jason Lee Scott, Mickey Mouse, Sora from Kingdom Hearts-Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, and Batman
Saban-Disney-Marvel-Star Wars-WB teamup
Toei (rest of Metal Heroes, Kikaider, etc..)
The Green Candle (Tommy dies!)