Sunday, October 26, 2014

MMPR Season 2: "The Monster Mash" Analysis

"Hey Ernie. Have you seen Jason, Zack and Trini?" Kimberly says in a sweet manner.
"No. I guess they're still with that group in the elementary school."

What happened to Tommy?
Let's contact him but not the other Rangers!

"What about the others?"
"They're still with the children. There's nobody else they can leave with them."
But you just said that all the children were accounted for!

This is one of the most shady episodes in Power Rangers history.
They fired the original 3 Power Rangers, while setting up a bunch of Halloween props this episode where they probably could've paid the staff with.
AJ and David try their best to give a proper sendoff.
They don't discuss the problems of having childhood friends in distant places pre-internet.
They just worry about their dumbass Haim Saban Power Rangers team.
And then Tommy shows up discussing how he dropped of Jason, Zack and Trini after Jason David Frank basically replaced and fired them!
And the episode has multiple kids dressed up as Power Rangers, when Austin, Thuy and Walter are off screen, being written off!

Robogoat, one of Tommy's archnemeses is beaten up by a non-Japanese footage Kimberly for some odd reason. If it was a Jason only nemesis, I would understand, but he isn't.

Jason, Trini and Zack show up.
"Hey Tommy!" is the only word any of them (Jason) says this episode.

In the end of the episode, they save on the budget so much, just by having them only Pumpkin Rapper, in what really could've been an epic battle, considering how Pumpkin Rapper was not the only monster who was resurrected by Key and Gravestone.
You don't stand a ghost of a chance! What is with people and that saying?
And there's a random scene where it cuts to Kimberly saying, "Balls!"

"The Power Rangers probably have the ability to shrink."
Which they do when they grow in ZEO or
When they get shrunk by Divatox in Turbo,
Contrast to when Justin grows.

Also as awesome as the song fight is during a fight scene, the song uses multiple plural nouns during the film, subliminally making fans think there's more Rangers than there actually are.

Also, I don't get the point of firing the 3 (in case you didn't notice!)
You set up an entire new Halloween set for this episode with like 50 voice actors for like the monsters used this episode.

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