Sunday, October 26, 2014

Power Rangers Zeo "It Came From Angel Grove" is actually a predecessor to Kamen Rider Decade and other stuff

Let's start with some asides,
This episode was a lot of fun, with tons of extras and production stages, replicated again for when they are shown when Adam watches It Came From Hackensack.
It's hilarious when the werewolf jumps in the bush.

From what you know of It Came From Hackensack is that it is an ensemble movie monster episode. There's no reference to the Jason David Frankenstein monster in Mighty Morphin, yet it is interesting how he becomes a vampire monster this episode.
And they convert back to color when encounter the Wizard of Oz, just like in Victor Fleming's 1939 film, the inspiration for Zordon.
And he wakes up as if they were all there like in the Wizard of Oz.
Also, in 1939, they would consider the Wizard of Oz a horror film, just because it had a witch in it, albeit witches weren't that popular in horror films, notably in the Michael Myers lacking, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch.

The episode uses characters based on characters in the show, to create a dream-like logic.
Tomecula is obviously named after Tommy,
Cat is a black cat or Valencia, like her villainous persona in the 3rd season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, possibly named after a Australian area island.
Rocky is Lord Henry/Harry, like his Blue Ninja Ranger Power self, a wolf.
Tanya is the Bride of Hackensack.
Billy is Baron von Hackensack
Lt. Stone the Burgermeister
Zordonicus and Zordon
Destroying Zordon and the Earth
Adam's potential for evil.
They are either acknowledged as two different characters or some sort of Invasion of the Body Snatchers conspiracy, much like the AR Riders.

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