Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3: Ninja Quest rant

If they had Remastered Season 3, people would've rightfully complained of Saban taking too much from Ninja Sentai Kakuranger.

I'd like to include the really great Masked Rider-Power Rangers teamup,

So onto Ninja Quest:
Shitty version of the shitty movie where you replace hot chick with Ninjor.
The Ninjas aren't Ninjetti.
The Tengus are Tengas.
Which are a symbol of everything wrong with this season.
They 1987 Cannoned the effects a la Superman IV and Jaws: The Revenge, by not having Japanese footage and giving the US cast a cheap budget.
The friggin Desert of Despair is just the friggin place where the Rangers found Zordon, and Kirk fought the Gorn.
Sure, as a kid I didn't understand WHY I didn't like this scene.
Oh wait, I did-
It was cheap!
You ripped the script of people who didn't know anything about Power Rangers.

Rito Revolto looks nothing like Rita Repulsa.
Their names aren't spelled right, a la Final Fantasy IX's Eiko Carol-Amarant Coral theory.
At least they didn't give the Alien Rangers the cool zords.

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