Friday, July 5, 2013

Does Tommy Oliver have the Shining?

The Native American origins of Tommy Oliver bother me. Was seriously anyone a big fan of this origin? It was never bad per say, just a bit odd like a few of the storylines in Power Rangers: Turbo. It never really seemed to be related to anything. Power Rangers was very multi or even a cultural when it came to its characters. They never spoke much about of their culture. If they did, there would normally be for comical stupid effects, wow and culture.
They never show his parents, so who can care what his ancestry is?

However, watching Stanley Kubrick's the Shining recently, I cannot help but notice the similarities the film has to Power Rangers: ZEO and that Lost Galaxy made a 2001: A Space Odyssey reference in its opening space scene. Also, there have been countless accounts of the film's connections to Native Americans from the hotel's marking origins to that of Wendy Torrence's outfits.

We never see Tommy's parents. However, there is no indication that his parents had not mistreated him while he was younger.

The opening scene of the Shining opens with Jack Torrance driving all the way to the Overlook hotel through lush green scenery. Tommy has become the Red Zeo Ranger in the series. Red as in Red rum? Also in ZEO, he goes from the White Ranger to the Red Ranger. A white man to a red man?

Tommy in one episode of ZEO goes back to attack his former friends, just like he had to the entire city of Angel Grove in Mighty Morphin like nothing had happened, so much to the fact that it seems like a Stanley Kubrick plot discontinuity.

Happy July 4th everybody!

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