Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My Top 5 favorite Yasuko Kobayashi Toku (2014)

5 ToQger:
There's a lot of subtext to the shows regarding Kubrickian themes of war, and lust, much like Space Dandy, Dr. Strangelove and A Clockwork Orange.
Light vs Dark is downplayed so much to really appeal to kids.

4 Ryuki
This was a real historic game changer for Toei. Out with the more conventional monsters of the week, and in with the Kamen Rider enemies instead. We'd see it again in larger Kamen Rider shows such as Kabuto and Gaim again.
There's a lot of subliminal themes in the show, but I don't why. Even in comparison to ToQger, it seemed a bit lightly scripted for the given narrative. Why does everybody hate Asakura if he doesn't really kill people? Why is Zolda a good guy in the end? (Maybe I'm missing something.)
It really does come full force as a Shotaro Ishinomori themed Kamen Rider though if you really pay attention.

3 Time Ranger

  • This was her really breakout moment in tokusatsu. 
  • The non-Red leader, 
  • The Red Sixth Ranger, 
  • The Y2K theme present in Ryuki and Gobuster.

So many good moments.

I really like a lot of things about this screenplay, such as the Dr. Maki-Eiji parallel.
The first half's narrative is a bit of a turnoff, but if you give it some patience, you'll get a great payoff.

1 Shinkenger
It's a well written character's drama in a supposed hero's journey which is really more of a criticism of Japan's old customs.

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