Friday, December 13, 2013

LOST Galaxy should have been a Nickelodeon series

Not everybody hates Lost Galaxy.
Some people love it. Some people hate it. Everybody has an opinion about it. Here's what I got based on my Netflix experience.

There are some great moments in it.
Leo's quest to become an adventurer, a good guy in outer space.
When Mike gives Leo the Quasar Sabre (although it is adapted straight from Gingaman, it is done in an intergalactic fashion.)
Trakeena's training with Villamax.
Trakeena dueling with Leo
The post 9/11 insensitive finale.
The comeback of the Psycho Rangers.
Kendrix's death.
The return of Astronema.

However, there were confusing moments in the series as well.
Leo would fight Treacheron in a scene where it was horribly complicated who you were supposed to root for, and it seemed unnecessary to be put in that position.
There were moments but not something as a very cohesive experience. There's so much that could have been done with all the previously mentioned things.

However, you have to remember, they did not know there was going to be another series. And even in Space was not the best show in the world.
The crew had ideas, and implemented them well.
If this had been a Nickelodeon season it would have been really good.

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