Thursday, February 26, 2015

A list of shitty dark stuff worse than James Van Der Beek and Katee Sackhoff's Power/Rangers

Birth of a Nation What a place to start. A minority being portrayed poorly leading to many deaths.
Team America: World Peace Another minority being portrayed poorly leading to propaganda.
Japanese people that kill people over dancing spots cough cough Kamen Rider Baron

Tropic Thunder: It was comedy where the darkness didn't make any sense and it wasn't funny.
Hunger Games: What a waste of time watching this.
Battle Royale: Too much marketing, too cheap the effects.
Human Centipede: I or II?
United 93: Exploited 9/11
The Interview: The movie exploited American fears. The marketing did way worse.
Katie Vick: HHH and WWE and the McMahons think having sex with a dead body is a good storyline. And comical! The beginning of the end with WWE.
JBL: A Republican becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion after jobbing the night before. WWE pisses everybody off and gets ratings.
Vince McMahon wrestles God. Wins by countout. Top quality writing there. And sacrilegious
Vince McMahon stages his own death in storyline prior to Eddie Guerrero's actual death.
WWE gives Rey Mysterio the belt to cash in on Eddie Guerrero's death. Chris Benoit later commits double-murder suicide.
WWE now: Even when they finally give the belts to someone people care about, they're booed, because of how many rightfully unpopular decisions they've made the past two years that've lost them money and audience. Twilight: It just fucking sucks and wastes time.
Neo Saban: I meant that for Neo Saban
The Last Tango in Paris: Marlon Brando rapes someone in real life for the film. Give Bernardo Bertolucci the Oscar!
Caligula: an entire crew died of cancer, because Howard Hawks was too unconcerned for their health to make a film where John Wayne played Genghis Khan

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Sub (OT) Analysis: Aka Ninja

Boy Aka Ninja's acting is sorta even worse than Jayden Shiba's but on purpose.
He no sold his family's dojo blowing up as if it was nothing, but not even in a way where he was cold, calculating and didn't care. He just pretended it didn't happen.
I like the Shurikens and the attacks with CGI. The actual attacks didn't look as cool. I hope they come up with a lot more creative ideas on what they can do with the Shurikens.
They can spin like the Samurai Spinners in Samurai Sentai Shinkenger which is a good start. They're also good for long ranged attacks.
He's also not that bright, being unable to communicate with even his fellow family members a la the Dude.

And that's where they set you up.
The Big Lebowski works on so many levels opposed to just the seemingly juvenile humor which is actually really well crafted, in addition to political, masculinity, etc. commentary.
Aka Ninja is actually the most experienced, skilled, trained, fearless and a lot we admire about fellow humans: strengths, in addition to flaws.
Sure, with Toei, there's always the part where they may overplay the stupid parts a la Akaza Ban Ban, but they have more experience now and may play a little more with that, opposed to overpreaching the lacking strength of the Red Ranger.

Left the world to train, possibly explaining his foreign accent.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Episode 1 Raw Review

I'm a bit worried, a bit excited about Aka Ninja. He's brave, but he has an alienating accent, which more understanding people will let go. Teleportation and substitution are interesting.
I'm not sure if he runs into fights, because he's dumb or because he's brave. Maybe a combination! (And cuz it's a Super Sentai show!)

Ao Ninja is the foreign one.
Ki Ninja is the sporty aggressive one.
Shiroi is the wimp, made fun of, who really likes her dad and grandpa.
Momo is the opposite of Shiroi.

They have a good Magiranger dynamic to them. It hasn't been used in a while, so it's a good use.

I like how they don't start off as (at least uniformed) ninjas and family's a strength they have.

I'm also sorta wondering if this show is supposed to be a parody of Power Rangers Samurai:
  • The main character's ADR is awful.
  • They use basically the same Samurai Sword holsters, except they're some sort of unorthodox use of a Shuriken around a ninja sword.
I like the use of the green screen effects for the camoflague-jutsu.
I like how Shurikens are used for multiple variations of attacks including turning an inanimate object into a bad guy a la Lord Zedd.

The bad villainess is like that Tekken character.

GoGo V/Magiranger mom plot device here somewhere.

The preschool drawings of the ninjas are well done, but it's not really clicking for me. I imagine some fans really thinking the ninja theatrics like when I first saw the Hurricaneger theatrics. So, we'll see.

I'm also hoping the Ninningers can henshin into their mecha forms.

I find it unfair Aka Ninja has a chair, while the rest have to stand, but at least the suit actors can switch costumes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Half Theory: The ToQgers are from the kids' Imagination

In Ressha Sentai ToQger, the term "imagination" has been thrown around a lot. But there hasn't been a lot of CGI or any effects like that that would have fans imagining the ToQgers using their Imagination a lot. Instead of humanoid monsters, you figured they would've created 20 leg, thousand eye monsters against each other. Then again, maybe their imagination isn't that good. As I stated in the Mighty Morphin ToQgers article, Ressha Sentai ToQger may be a play on the topics that kids learn in preschool, parodying that of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' nonsense lessons.
In addition, as I've said before, not all sci fi/fantasy genre films rely that heavily on effects to turn into imagination classics. One great example of this is the Stanley Kubrick classic, the Shining, which probably influenced Yasuko Kobayashi in her approach as I am about to mention.

The ToQgers were formed by passes the kids drew, which turns them into the ToQgers. While playing at a tree, possibly like one at a school, they form the idea of the ToQgers and act it out in their imagination. The kids turn into adult versions of themselves at a literal crossroads of their lives turning whatever they could into a Super Sentai, in this case, their commute, their Ressha.

The ToQger suits are of low level design, not too fancy, requiring a little bit of imagination to fully enjoy them in the series. This design was possibly made from a design of a little kid, (a little with a lot of money of course, but a little kid nonetheless!)
On the surface, Ressha Sentai ToQger is a series that little kids could've made up, with little fanfictiony ideas of how light and dark work.
And then of course, there's the entire theory ShadowDoguso has about how light and dark are pretty arbitrary with pretty much everybody in the world meeting in the middle as seen with of course the kids' imaginary friends Zedd and Zaram, who complete the ToQgers rainbow arc, (not to mention Yami ToQ Ichigo.) Many adults have absolutist theories about light vs the dark in what could be perceived as something quite sinister propaganda which is brought down through generations, much like that of the tales of the Shining, which could be the subtle message that famed tokusatsu writer Yasuko Kobayashi has entailed in such toku as:
Mirai Sentai Timeranger, with:
  • a brutal policewoman as TimePink,
  • the racially and class biased TimeFire.
Kamen Rider Ryuki,
  • with even a serial killer the audiences can root on for their goals
  • and a character whose ideals are tested by people's objectives for world peace
Kamen Rider OOO,
  • where all the characters go from good guys to losing control
  • and bad guys make turns as well
and Samurai Sentai Shinkenger: the ending

Also, Zedd and Zaram both begin with Z and could be forms of make believe IMAGINATIONary friends, made from their IMAGINATION.