Friday, December 2, 2016

Power Rangers Time Force 15 Years Later Episode 6, "A Parting of Ways" review

Jen calls Wes a great Red Ranger. There's some humor. Wes seems comfortable. Jen's somewhat in character, somewhat not.

Mr. Collins states that one day Wes will take over Biolab. There's some father son moments here.

Kids get captured on a bus.

YTF should Mr. Collins pay the ransom. You have the police, Time Force can manipulate time, Wes can't sign a check? Wtf is Ransik going to do with 2000s money? Especially after what Bush did to the economy? Why don't they just short sell Bear Sterns?

Then again, Collins does set up the Silver Guardians later anyway, so shows people he can do that kind of stuff.

Baseball bad guy is the monster of the week.

Also, they didn't sign the check?
Also, why would these guys pay in a check? What if the check bounces?

Also, the bad guy of the episode just showed why you shouldn't have paid them in the first place, so Wes looks like a fool.

Where is the money in the children's orphanage going? How many will it feed? Did Wes ever go to college? Maybe Jen was right about him being given everything.

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