Thursday, December 8, 2016

Power Rangers Time Force Episode 9 "The Time Shadow" 15 Years Later

The Mutant baddies are gang-like and referred to as a gang, opposed to the cops of both Time Force and the Biotech company. It adds to some of the Verehoeven RoboCop elements that made it to the final product. Themes of corporations and powers out of control are present. However, as I watch later episodes it sorta gets diluted with children's show comedy. It's sort of a weird and not as fluid contrast, but does give the show its identity. I'll get to why that happened in the end of the review.
Weapons are a key aspect of the show for both Biotech and Ransik.
Ransik defeats a robot much to the dismay of Frax. Ransik uses robots as other parasitic being have used other beings.
Frax destroys humans to build up destroying Ransik. He destroys a tank in the process.

Rest of it is standard Power Rangers stuff.

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